Monday, November 11, 2019

Weekend wrap up

It was kind of a busy weekend. I spent a good portion of Saturday cleaning house, in preparation for our brunch on Sunday....and because I wasn't home the weekend before, so it really needed cleaning. But vacuuming and mopping on same day with this amount of floor space is a chore.

I decided to have my mom fill up her weekly pill box (for Sunday going forward) on Saturday morning when I called her. (and because I was going to be busy with a brunch Sunday morning). It was a bit later morning and she hadn't taken her Saturday morning pills yet, so she swallowed them down and I did my first attempt to help her get it filled up for the next week. It was a bit of a chore, but we did it. She has 4 prescription medications and 3 vitamin/supplements. I thought she was starting out by doing one med at a time and filling in each day, but then realized she was trying to fill one day in full at a time. So. then I didn't want to confuse her and since I couldn't have eyes on it, I just let her finish, even though it was confusing her. Next time I will say ok, take your Omeprozole bottle and take out 7 pills and fill one in each day. Now, take your...etc.

BUT, she has been sounding so good during our calls. She keeps making jokes about stuff, which as I mentioned on Friday's post, I realized I have not heard her do that in ages. She actually called me yesterday. Our neighbors had just left when she called. Of course I wouldn't expect her to remember I had told her I was having a brunch, but other than that if I hadn't known she has memory problems, in our phone call yesterday I wouldn't have thought she has memory problems.

DD called her later yesterday afternoon to say hi and chat. She said same thing. Grandma didn't hesitate, like she often does to remember words or what she's trying to think of to say (often with names). She rattled off her BF's sons name and that he was there with BF that afternoon and then when they were saying goodbye she said say hello to DD's husband, by name.

I really think taking her meds now daily is helping her. Even with what her BF is going through, she is sounding really upbeat and happy. And supposedly, his kids found someone to hire to come in and help him. Whether that is during daytime (when they come) or during evening/night (when my mom is there) she wasn't quite sure. I'm sure it's to relieve them and not her. She seems very accepting that her BF won't be around much longer. She'll say something like he's a good man and it's sad, but that's what happens at his age. Then she'll say something like she is ready to just start caring for herself and getting in routine and doing activities and getting to know the other ladies better.

I was trying to retype that durable power of Attorney, changing names and got about 2 pages into the 6 and thought there must be a way to scan it and convert from pdf to word document. Sure enough, my work Adobe full version does that! What a time saver LOL!.

Our brunch with neighbors went well. I'm not used to entertaining, but I think I did ok for my first try at it! I made blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs with diced ham and cheese, fruit tray and orange juice and apple juice. I also had a plate of various Pepperidge farm cookies. DH was trying to give the house tour and I forgot he gets to talking and doesn't stop. If I hadn't have kept moving him along it would've taken him 2 hours! (I'm not joking, haha).  My food was ready, LOL. My only goof up was I totally forgot my breakfast sausages I had covered up and staying warm in the pan on the stovetop! oh well.

DH got a text last night from his best buddy who lives in Texas. He's in the hospital and has to have surgery today. DH was able to talk to him on the phone for awhile last night. Hopefully all goes well. I know DH is worried now. All of DH's closest friends have died young, so I know it's on his mind that this might be something more serious, but I guess they won't know more until after surgery.

Well, I REALLY need to get back into doing MTurks this week. I got out of the routine and now it's been hard to get back into it.


  1. Glad your mom is doing better. When we started getting help for Mom and her meds were taken on time she made significant physical improvement.

    1. I'm so glad, too. Did it help at all with your mom's cognitive aspects? While my mom of course still has short term memory loss, I am seeing an improvement.

  2. I'm happy to hear your mom seems better and is concerned about taking her own needs seriously. It is sad to lose friends young, but I guess as people age, it probably isn't any easier.

    1. it will be interesting to see how she does living there without BF.

  3. I am so glad she is doing better. I know I am not that old, but stress wears me down until I can barely remember my own name.

    1. it even does it to me, somewhat at my age, so I can imagine how she must feel.

  4. So glad to hear your mom is sounding better. You had a busy weekend with cleaning and entertaining! Hope the up coming week is a relatively slow one!

    1. I hope it's slow and relaxing too, but work sure is busy, so I'm guessing not, LOL.

  5. I am glad your mom is doing better and you're seeing some spark return!
