Thursday, November 21, 2019

bed, turkeys and alarms

When my mom moved, she couldn't take her king sized bed, so she just took one of her guest bedroom twin beds. She's mentioned a few times she may get a queen sized bed. But, honestly, until Tuesday night she hasn't really slept in it much! She mentioned it again (since she finally got to sleep in it again) and I asked her what BF's kids are going to do with his bed in his apartment? Maybe she could just take it? She thought that was a great idea, so she was busy yesterday afternoon figuring that out, LOL.

First she wasn't sure if it would fit (I'm sure her bedroom is similar size to his, haha) so I told her queen size is 60" wide and asked her if she still had a tape measure. She got it out and determined it would fit. It sounds like BF's kids will take away her twin bed for her. I think she called me like 3 times (maybe 4) yesterday, LOL. That was good though. And she really didn't have much forgetfulness. Like sometimes I'll talk to her in the morning, and then again that same day and sometimes she forgets she talked to me earlier. She knew she was calling me a bunch of times, haha. I told her it was no problem and that it was nice for me to get a little break from work every so often. DD talked to her around dinnertime and said she sounded good then, too.

I work a half day tomorrow, so I think I'll either make a trip into the city or into town. I need to get a turkey for our Thanksgiving dinner here. I don't want to get too much other food, because the turkey will take up so much freezer space for a few days, but I will need some stuff. I still have quite a bit of food left from my last shopping trip almost 2 weeks ago. We've really been eating lighter, smaller dinners, so I haven't been using up the meat as fast. But, I could use some more milk, bread and salad fixings.

Last evening DH was taking a nap in his recliner and I had just lay down on the couch to close my eyes and one of our smoke alarms went off for a couple seconds. That was a rude wake up! So loud and screeching. We both jumped up to figure out what was going on and weren't exactly sure which one went off. There is one inside DH's den, one near the entryway and one in our bedroom. Then it went off again for a couple seconds. It was the one in DH's den. He though maybe the battery was low (they run on ac with battery backup). As he was replacing the battery the one in the entryway area went off. Poor black dog. He did not like any of this and was literally shaking.

Long story short we do not know what in the heck is going on with them. There are 4 upstairs, too. I think they are interconnected types (our electricians installed them). The one in his den will no longer show the green light (meaning it's connected to ac power). He sent electrician guy a text to get a hold of us today and he texted this morning that he couldn't come out until next week and if it acts up again just pull it out, until he can get here and replace/figure out the problem.


  1. Our smoke detector went off at about 4 a.m. this summer. Our dogs wouldn't have minded, except these also have a voice alarm to tell you what the issue is. Ours was "Battery is Low." The alarm wouldn't have bothered our dogs, but the voice literally scared the *%& out of our big dog. Not sure how the batteries would be low, as they were new, so the builder's electrician came out that day to change all the batteries, as he said sometimes you never know how long the units sit on the warehouse shelves, so he changed not just that one unit, but all the batteries. And man, as we are in WA, do we have A LOT of smoke/carbon monoxide detectors to meet code!

    1. Ours had the voice too! it said "fire". Yikes, LOL. We have 5 smoke alarms plus 2 that are combo smoke/carbon. DH also tested the batteries (9v) and they seemed pretty full, so he doesn't think it's that.

  2. Glad to hear that your mom seems to be doing well. Hope you are able to figure out the smoke alarms. I have four - one in each bedroom and one in the hallway, just outside the bedroom doors.

    1. I talked to her this morning and she was so good! She sounded again like she did that week after I visited. Hopefully the alarms won't go off anymore, until electrician can get her and figure out.

  3. Poor dog. I would be shaking, too. It seems like a good thing that your mother has an issue with something other than BF's problems. I hope she gets the bed issue figured out to her liking.

    1. Our other dog, who is really the one who acts neurotic half the time, the noise didn't faze him, LOL. I'm sure she'll like having the bigger bed to sleep in, again. She hasn't heard yet, what day BF's kids will be bringing it and taking her twin bed away, but most likely soon. I'm sure they will probably get his apartment cleaned out by the end of the month, so he doesn't have to pay rent again.

  4. That reminds me, I must check the battery in mine. Made me laugh though because the smoke alarm in my mom and dad's house was WAAAYYY too sensitive and the tiniest bit of smoke set it off. One day one of the neighbours rang the doorbell and asked if everything was ok as the smoke alarm keep screeching. Dad said "oh don't worry, that's just my wife's cooking"!

    1. I used to set it off, cooking, sometimes in our previous small house. DH is like geez, we had cheap ac powered smoke alarms in our cheap mobile home for 27 years with zero problems and we pay big bucks for these ones installed by professional electricians and they don't work. LOL
