Saturday, November 2, 2019

Mom visit day 2

Last night, when I came back to my mom's apartment to stay, I started "snooping" through her papers. I found a recent letter from her health insurance, about the new plan she got signed up for (with BF's help) for 2020. There is a section in the letter that explains how and when she can change plans, outside of the enrollment period. Moving out of the coverage area, anytime during the year, qualifies as that. Thank goodness! I was so relieved to read that. I snapped a pic of the letter with my phone, haha! At least we now know that could be an option to have her move to my area. I even showed her the online pictures of the place near my area. She thought it looked really nice and asked what it cost. I said I read it somewhere and it was about what she is paying now.

I got out of the shower this morning to put on my makeup and see my left eye is all red and bloodshot. I have no idea why. Maybe I accidentally scratched it. I found some eyedrops in my mom's bathroom. Needless to say I left off mascara for the day. It did mostly clear up, thank goodness. And did I mention it was the shower from hell? LOL. It's just a hand held type shower nozzle. Nice walk in, but I hate those hand held kind. And I was trying to adjust it so I could raise it up a bit and leave it in the holder and I accidentally unscrewed it. Plus the shower head was coming out so hard in a small narrow type spray that it actually hurt! Finally I got the head setting changed so it was nice and easy.

We went down and had breakfast around 9am, after BF's dd got there. My DD showed up at 9:30 while we were in the dining area...guess who walked in with her? My son, I have not seen in like 4 years! That was a bit strange. He didn't know we were here and he hadn't called my mom to let him know he was coming to visit her. He only stayed about 15-20 minutes. I hugged him and told him it was good to see him. He does at least sound like he is working hard. Got a new/better FT job a month ago and is also doing a part time job at a retail store, so just working a whole bunch. DD said they pulled into parking spots next to each other at the exact same time and she didn't realize it was him until he saw her get out of her truck.

DD and I got her pills organized. One of her pills got changed to half a pill and some were cut but DD cut them all up, so that is done. We got her first week all in the boxes and set all her medications out next to it. I wrote out on a piece of paper what she needs to fill in her box "every Sunday morning" and taped it to her countertop, next to all the pills. She had kept them in a kitchen cupboard, but dd and I are thinking "out of sight, out of mind" which might be part of reason she keeps forgetting to take them. I'm also going to start calling her every Sunday morning to make sure she's filled it up for the week.

DD left (it's her MIL's birthday) so mom and I went to do a little shopping. I drove, but I let her tell me how to get to the 2 places and she knew where to go. We went to Walgreens, got some birthday cards for DD (coming up, 24 years old) and I got her a gift card. Mom decided to just put a check in it. Then we went to her bank and deposited an insurance refund check she had just received in the mail this morning. She got us back to her place, fine, so that was good.

We've been eating all our meals either in the dining area or the little "pub" dining area. I'm already tired of eating out! Just too much food, LOL. I didn't really even want lunch, as we had a big breakfast and didn't eat until after 9am.

I helped her a bunch go through misc papers on her desk, what could be tossed and filed some. I was really concerned I could not figure out her rent/lease arrangement here. I couldn't find any paperwork last night. I was going to go talk to the office staff. Then BF's dd told me it's month to month. Then while going through papers with mom I found a rent statement. I now understand how it all works and what she meant when she thought she was getting free rent for a year. Her BF had said, no it's one month free. They were both partially right. It was 2 free months (Oct and Nov) and then Dec is half rent (because he referred her) and then Jan she starts her normal rent payment. So she was probably thinking she had free rent the rest of this year.

At least it was much easier on her today and she didn't get all exhausted and BF's dd is coming again tomorrow morning for the day. I had a chance to chat a bit with his DD, so I mentioned that my mom really doesn't have the energy to be his care giver all day. She totally agreed, not to mention with my mom's memory issues, she's worried her dad might end up with wrong medication, if he's not feeling well and not paying close attention. I said I totally agree. She said they are planning to have it figured out by Monday what they are doing for him. Either moving him to nursing home/assisted care facility, hiring care to come in to his place, or maybe even bringing him to their house and having hospice.

I've called my uncle and kept him updated what is going on.

I really think my mom is doing ok with this with her BF. She seems to have accepted it and understands that's what he wants. She's even mentioned to dd and I several times she's actually looking forward to getting started with the activities this place offers and doing more socializing, which is really what I think she needs. She has done none of that the month she has been here. She just needs to worry and focus on herself and get in her own little routine here.

I'll be here until about 3:45 tomorrow afternoon, then DD is taking me to the airport. I don't arrive at my home airport until 8:50 (I lose an hour going back). DD is coming back down to see her Thanksgiving weekend and I will be back here mid December for another weekend.


  1. I think her primary doctor has to order the pill packs. My pills were in a cabinet in the kitchen, out of sight-out of mind. Then, I moved them all to the top of my dehydrator where I kept knocking them off. Finally, standing and opening pill bottles became too much. So, I put them in a basket so I could sit and take them and then put them wherever. I am not really forgetful, just have never had to take pills and it is hard to's my story and I am sticking to it.

    1. I think you are right - her pills need to be out where she can see them, so we've put them on her counter. Hopefully that helps

  2. It sounds like you had a productive day and the bf's daughter being there was helpful. Glad she's coming over tomorrow too. That must have been a bit of a shock to see your son! I hope you have a safe flight home, tomorrow. Take care.

    1. I feel like I got a lot done, but sadly her short term memory is really suffering.

  3. I'm so glad you got to see your son and that he at least seems to be doing well. My first thought on his past behaviour is that he might feel too embarrassed to make the first move at reconciliation. Either way, I'm glad you got to see him. I'm also glad your mom's BF's dd is stepping up to the plate to help her dad. Somebody has to do it and it can't be your mom.

    1. No, it for sure can't be my mom doing it and his dd knows that. They are supposed to be getting him moved or help today.

  4. I'm glad you got to see your son. At least he is making an effort to see some family and that is a start. You have done so well by your mom.

    1. thanks, I think I needed to hear that :) (more to come on the step brother issue)

  5. It was so good to read that you saw your son, maybe this will be the first step to keeping in touch. Hope so. Glad you were able to sort some things out for your mom and that BF's DD is stepping up.

    1. I hope he can find his way back to all of us. It was sad saying goodbye to my mom's bf yesterday when I left.

  6. I could have sworn I posted yesterday! All in all, the visit was more productive than not, and that is great. I am glad you saw DS, and that you were able to help your mom with so much. I hope her BF and his family and her, can find comfort in these next few months. And I am glad her insurance will work in your neck of the woods.

    1. thank you. I think I was able to help her with a few things. The medication being the biggest concern to me, along with her BF, but I think she is accepting of that. She knows his age and it's inevitable, unfortunately.

    2. My heart goes out to her, but I am glad she is accepting of it. Yes, the meds are so important as she doesn't take too many. I refilled my aunt's pills twice recently, and I got dizzy filling up the pill box - between vitamins and prescribed stuff she has almost 12 a day!

    3. She takes 4 prescription ones and then we realized she had a few bottles of various vitamins she's supposed to take that I highly doubt she's been taking, so I added those to her pill box and the list of what she's supposed to put in it every week from now on.

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