Thursday, November 14, 2019

another mystery

I've been trying to take a look at least once a week or so at my mom's bank account online (checking, savings, and credit card). It looks like I'm going to have to look into a charge that just showed up, for Verizon. Ugh.

The last couple of mornings I called her she didn't seem as perky as she had been for the past week or so. This morning she said she wasn't really feeling that well. She says she is remembering to take her meds. I will verify that when DD gets to her place tomorrow.....

So, I don't want to bother her today with asking if she has any idea what this Verizon "bill pay" charge of $105 is for. I'm sure she won't know, anyway.  Her regular monthly Verizon bill is charged to this credit card monthly and also says same description "bill pay", but it's always for around $31/mo and on around the 21st of each month. On the 25th of October she had a charge about double her monthly bill. There was no charge for Sept.....and my guess is that is when she had her card cancelled and a new one sent and she probably missed updating Verizon with the new card#, so Sept and Oct got ran thru her card on 10/25. At least that's what I assumed happened. I went back through all her monthly cc statements and before that each month had a $31 charge, no missed months, other then Sept.

What this new charge of $105, today, is for I have no idea. Nothing I saw when going through all her stuff while I was there, showed a log in for Verizon. I would guess she probably never even set one up. She doesn't even text (she still has an old flip phone). I don't want to bug her today, so I tried to see if she had a verizon account online just by entering her ph#. She apparently does, but to get into it, of course it wanted to text her or email her......the email was partially hidden, started and ended with the first and last letter/number of her email address, BUT it was and not email. What in the world?! I then tried to see what I could find out on this yahoo email address. To reset the password (I wasn't going to do it, just wanted to see what came up) it shows it would need to either send email to the yahoo address or a text to a mostly hidden ph#....starts with a 3 (for the area code) and ends with 12. No number I can guess what it would be for/who's it is. It's not my SB cell ph#.

Oh brother. So, while DD is there tomorrow (as long as she's feeling ok) I'm going to see if she can get a text message from Verizon, so I can try to log into her Verizon account and see what this charge is for. If not, I'll wait until another day and get on a 3 way call w/Verizon and have her give them permission to talk to me about her account. It's bugging me and I want to figure it out. I'm hoping I can get to the bottom of it tomorrow with DD's help, while she's there at her place.


  1. I have some information for you. I saw it in a book and the guy lent if to me.

  2. Hope you can figure it out. It all sounds rather complicated to me.

    1. I'm sure once I can either see her Verizon account online or call them, I'll get it figured out. Just hope it's not something fraud, so we'd have to change her card, yet again.

  3. Wondering if the phone charge could be something related to your son? You said he showed up a few weeks back when you were there last.

    1. I kinda wondered that too. Nothing would surprise me anymore, but if she gave him her card# again, I don't know what I'm going to do, LOL.

  4. Man, I hope you can figure this one out. That's a big charge for sure!!

    1. I hate having to wait to figure out.

    2. I understand completely, I hope it's sorted out now.

  5. NAME OF THE BOOK IS SECRET 67. It is from Special Reports from the editors of Bottom Line Personal. The guy allowed me to bring the book home. NOW, I cannot find what I was going to tell you. But, it involved a system of some machine that alerted the person to the fact that it was time to take a pill and the system of having all the pills in a bubble pack system. I am still going through that book. It annoys me I cannot find the place where I read it. Her memory might improve if she took the When I find the article, I will post on my blog and alert you it A special prescription of Vit D is better than otc.
