Thursday, November 14, 2019

Is it Friday yet?

We had some sort of phishing/email breach at work yesterday, so we all had to change our passwords. What a pain. In good news, it appears we are getting the second half of our semi annual bonus next month. Whew! In bad news, with our new payroll company/system I have to actually enter all the bonus's, LOL. With our old company my boss would send a spreadsheet list and they'd do it all.

My mom has seemed a little bit tired these past 2 days calls, compared to all last week. She's still having to help quite a bit with her BF, so maybe that is wearing on her. She's telling me she's taking her meds, so I hope so. DD will be there tomorrow and can take a look at her pill organizer and make sure.  My uncle emailed me asking if she should still be driving. I told him that I plan to look at that at my visit next month, but that as far as I know she hasn't even been driving anywhere, anyway. And she mentioned yesterday there is a "shopping trip" coming up, where they go on a bus with other residents, and she was thinking of going on that.

Still no check for the topsoil. The guy had texted DH over the weekend that it got returned to them due to using our old address, but you'd think they could've put in back in the mail by now. We live in same town, should be here in a day. Glad I don't need the money, but still frustrating.....and then as I'm typing this I get a usps informed delivery email that it is in today's mail. LOL. I had literally  just logged in and it showed "no mail today".

My DD got her home appraisal back and they are able to remove the PMI from her mortgage payment. She's very excited to have an additional $200~ per month.

Not much else going on around here. DH hasn't been doing much at all the past couple of days. Good that he's resting, bad that he gets bored and feels like he's not accomplishing anything. We've been having decent weather, near50 during day. Kinda wet and foggy.

I called my mom's bank and set up an appointment for her to get the docs notarized, with DD taking her over there (it's right near her apartment). I'll be so glad when this is done and I'm not worrying about that part of her life, anymore.


  1. How does your SB feel about loosing POA?
    You should not feel bad. It should have been this way from the get-go!

    1. Hi - I posted about that last Friday in this post:

      I gather he wasn't too happy, but she told him the same, from the sounds of it - it should have been been me all along. I think she just got talked into it by her BF and SB, because I now live 400 miles from her. I agree, I should not feel bad! I just have to keep reminding myself of that! Frankly, I would think SB should be relieved of not having do deal with it, for the next however many years. It's not his responsibility and shouldn't have been put on him, in my opinion.

  2. So, now that DD & hubby are no paying PMI, will they throw that extra $200 to the principal? They'd have mortgage knocked out in no time if they continued with that!

    1. I think they are planning on throwing it towards their camper trailer payment.
