Friday, November 29, 2019

Stuffed and worried

Well crap. I was waiting until early evening yesterday to call my mom and see how her day went, going to BF's care place for Thanksgiving dinner. She called me up just before I was going to call her. She was so confused. At first I thought maybe she thought she was calling DD because she said "so you are coming this weekend right?". I said no, DD is coming Saturday and then I am coming in 2 weeks. Then she said she didn't go to BF's for dinner, she woke up and "just didn't feel good" (again) so she called his DD and told her she wasn't going to go. She said BF was very upset with her about it.

I wish I had known she didn't go, I would have called her earlier in the day! She was so confused about who was coming and when. I had to repeat several times. I wonder what brought this on. She hasn't been like that since that day in August with her credit card and she got so overwhelmed and flustered she didn't know what was going on. She says she took her medication and that BF had asked her the same question (it sounded like she had just got off the phone with him). She's had a few days this week, again, where she woke up not feeling that good, but then is feeling better by noon. I don't know if maybe he got mad at her yesterday morning when she told him she was staying home and maybe that upset her. Hopefully she will feel ok Saturday, when DD goes. DD will go to see her even if she calls her up and says she doesn't feel like it.

Our turkey dinner was nice - except I totally forgot to buy yams! DH is the only one who likes them (alot) haha. I will run into town and pick some up today so he can have with leftovers. We did end up having to listen to neighbors new dog bark all day long, as soon as they left. What, do they think he doesn't bark? By early evening we got to wondering if this was the weekend they said they were going out of town. So, I texted her and as nicely as possible tried to say your dog is driving us nuts. I said is this the weekend you guys are at your sons? Poor B has been barking since you left and we tried to go talk to him, pet him, and gave him a treat, but it didn't help. Sorry. They got home about an hour later. It's next weekend they will be gone and they are going to board him while they are away. Thank goodness.


  1. I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. Do you think she really is taking her medication or is she confused about that too? Poor soul, I wish she were nearer to you! And that bloody dog barking all day would drive me nuts - and I like dogs. Well mostly, but having to scoop up a huge dog turd out of my back garden this morning when I haven't even got a dog does drive me insane too. I wish these people would WALK their bloody dogs! Rant over! (I'm usually over it in a few minutes anyway LOL)!

    1. I have a strong hunch she's confused about her medicine. She says she got her pill box all filled up by herself last Saturday, but sure makes one wonder. I'm glad DD will be there today to make sure it's filled and give her that digital calendar.

  2. Is your mom confused during the day or evening. My mom had a thing called sundown. The elderly can get very confused during the evening, my mom was like that. You might want her to be seen by a doctor, mine also had an urinary tract infection and didn't realize it and that made her confused. She may be at the point where someone needs to be around for her.

    1. her general short term memory is pretty much any time of day. When she gets super confused, which hasn't been often at all, it doesn't seem to matter day or night. Last evening she was great.

  3. Sorry to hear that your mom was all confused, yesterday. I'm glad your DD will be seeing her, soon.

  4. I agree she may have uti. I got a uti with no symptoms and could not walk alone and that was after just feeling not so good and being confused. Plus, having people unhappy with me and fussing at me, makes me less than cognizant of what I need to do.

    1. I had wondered about UTI when she went to the dr. a few months ago, but it wasn't that. It hadn't happened since August, and it seems if she gets really upset about something, it's way worse. From a couple comments I'm thinking her BF got her riled up :(

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