Thursday, November 7, 2019

Thursday this and that

We went out to dinner the other night, after our new grass was put in. I used my $100 visa gift card I had received, towards it, so it didn't cost anything. I still have $70 left on the card.

My earnings for MTurk work for October: $457!!! Just crazy how much I was able to increase it. Sure, I did have to work for it, but now finding the hits is much easier and was the key to the huge increase in earnings. Sadly, so far this month I have not been able to do much yet. The first 3 days I was at my moms. Monday I was too exhausted (I did do $6) and the rest of the week I have just been too busy with work and too overwhelmed thinking about my mom. But, it's great to know I can make the extra money when I can/want to, with it.

Each morning call I've been asking my mom if she took her meds this morning and she says yes. This morning I decided to have her prove it, LOL. I told her to look at her pill box and lets make sure! (she had already told me she took this morning (thursday) pills. Then she says oh...what day is it today? I said Thursday. Then she wasn't sure if she got off a day or not because Thursday pills were still in there. She thought she had taken this mornings, but I'm going have to assume she did not, so I told her to take them right now. I suggested that maybe my daily morning call is when she should take her meds from now on, then we know for sure she's taken them. My other idea I am looking into is this from Amazon:

It seems to have pretty good reviews and those that say they got it for elderly relative with memory problems, that it really helps. I think I'll order it, try it out here at home and if seems like it might be something that would help her remember to take her meds and know what day it is, I'll bring it with me on my next visit mid December.

She's got this thing in her head that pill bottles need to be kept in the dark and cannot get exposed to light. We explained to her that her bottles of pills are in dark (amber) bottles so they are fine (I said BF has all his pills out on a little cart) and her pillbox is fine, too. Then she brought this up again this morning, so I have a big hunch she put them all back in her cupboard. Out of sight. out of mind.

Is it total coincidence that SB started really getting involved with her life in late July and she has quickly gone down hill since then? First he changed all her logins/passwords, changed how she got into her computer, etc. Then she loaned DS that money, in all the changes she was dealing with she forgot and that caused the credit card fiasco (that I resolved). Then there was the sudden rush for her to move, the 10 day closing making matters even more stressful and confusing for her. Obviously, it's not his fault BF is dying, but still....she has quickly gone from just forgetting words she wants to use and occasionally forgetting about something, to much worse, all since August.

I made my flight and hotel reservations for going back over again next month. The Friday is a work meeting/lunch that I will be attending. Of course my work is paying for me to come over (just as they are now paying for the 4 employees who are on the other side of the state and a 4 1/2-5  hour drive from the office). My boss just told me to put in on her company cc.  I emailed her that I was going to book it and also do my 2 nights hotel at same time, so I can do a bundle deal and that I would reimburse for the hotel part. She said (which of course I knew she would ,LOL) don't worry about it. Booking the flight and hotel together saved a lot. The flight is $416 RT, the hotel would have been a total of $260 (plus taxes). Booking both together it was $475 total, so only $60 extra for 2 nights at the Best Western right near my mom. The company can handle that, LOL.

We have invited our neighbors over for brunch on Sunday. I'm not an entertainer type person so I quickly need to figure out all what to have for the brunch! Eeek! DH wants me to make blueberry muffins. I'll do some scrambled eggs and either bacon or sausages. Have a fruit tray with grapes and melon. Coffee, tea, orange juice and apple juice. What am I missing? Dessert? or maybe just some chocolates and some cookies?


  1. I have a chocolate chip scone recipe that I use. I make cookies out of the dough instead of the scone shape. Less sugar so they are not so sweet as a regular chocolate chip cookie. :)

    1. that sounds yummy. Since I'm not experience host I'm going to go with only having to make the blueberry muffins and buy the rest of the stuff, LOL

  2. I would do scones or possibly cinnamon rolls (which I would buy and not make even though I can and have many times)

  3. I like that clock. There are days I need that if I have been ill or napping.

    1. I read the reviews and people said it helped their parent or relative know what day it was or if it was afternoon/eve etc., especially when they'd wake up and be a bit disoriented at first.

  4. I love that clock idea, my great aunt has dementia and would never know the date except for a reminder. This way she would at least know it! Also, the brunch sounds perfect !
