Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Payroll and presents

Just when I thought I was finally going to be able to submit our payroll with no issues/questions. Nope. Everyone was showing 75 hours and it's an 80 hour pay period. Some problem with how the payroll company set up our Holiday hours/schedule. Always something. I usually think first "Oh, I must have done something wrong", but it usually turns out to be some problem on their end, that half the time they can never seem to explain how/why it happened. I miss our old company. This one costs us more and we have to do so much more of all the payroll and HR process/data entry/set up, ourselves. We close 3 hours early on Wednesday, so that day is supposed to be 3 hours Holiday and 5 hours Regular. It was missing the 5 Regular hours. And the stupid part, is that all but 6 people are salary, so it really doesn't matter. But apparently the hours still have to be tracked as to what type they are, even if in the end we all get paid our regular salary. Usually I'm done with payroll by noon.....I finally got it transmitted at 5pm. Seriously reminds me of over 20 years ago, when I did payroll for a very large company (600 employees) and we used this same company......it was always a stressful day trying to get payroll submitted (and it was weekly at that company, ugh!).

For son in law's Christmas present DD asked me to go in on a big gift she is getting him. I can't even remember what it is now. Something for their camper trailer and large in size. So, since they are coming here for Christmas and not to bring it here, she's just going to wrap the manual for it to give him. I also told her to give me a couple of smaller/low cost ideas that we can give him, for something to open, just from us. She suggested a magazine subscription and/or gift card to a restaurant he likes. I found a magazine subscription called Trailer Life she thinks he'd enjoy. It was like $19/yr on most websites. Then I found it on a magazine sales website for $12.99/yr. Then when I was placing my order and there was a spot for coupon code, I googled for codes and found one for 15% off that worked. Saved $1.95, LOL.  Still not exactly something he can unwrap, haha, but I'll just put a note about it in a little box and wrap it. I still need to get DD stuff.

That is the one and only Christmas gift I've bought so far. Yikes. I feel totally behind this year.  Over the weekend DH was saying it's so hard for him to get me stuff. If I tell him what I want, then of course that's what he gets me, so it's no surprise. If he orders something online, I end up seeing the charge and who it's to. Plus, he is just not a shopper. DD used to go with him and he'd do well picking out stuff. The first year we moved here, he went to visit his friend in TX for a week after Thanksgiving and had a bunch of cash with him. They totally went shopping and he brought a bunch of gifts home he picked out. The second year, he wrote me a bunch of different gift's on sticky notes. Last year, we didn't really do Christmas and bought a gift for ourselves (the metal art address sign). This year he doesn't know what to do. I only have a couple of ideas for him. I'm thinking we'll probably just pick out something for the both of us again. There's still tons of stuff we need for the house and yard.

I haven't called my mom yet this morning, to see how yesterday went. Still too early at her place. DD plans to spend all day Saturday with her. She is going to bring a small ham to bake in her oven, some mashed potatoes and rolls, so they can have a little "Thanksgiving" together. DD said she also invited DS to come over (he lives near my mom) and he said he would. So, that is nice to hear.


  1. Payroll circa 1971. I was 17 and had an after school job in a grocery store. Every Friday, the bookkeeper would calculate the payroll and write each person's gross pay, deductions and net pay on small manila envelopes. We got paid in cash. She would then gather $$ bills and coins to equal the total amount. Another young woman and I would count out and put the amount due in each envelope. Hopefully, when it came to the last envelope we had the exactly right amount, not a penny more or less! If not, we had to recount each envelope until we found the error. We quickly learned to be very careful when counting out the $$ for each payroll envelope. Hard to believe with today's direct deposits and almost cashless economy.

    1. oh that is crazy! I didn't have my first teenage job until 1980. Burger King, LOL.

  2. I used to do payroll at one of the jobs I had. People were supposed to submit their time sheets every other week and I was forever asking for time sheets in time for me to submit the paperwork (all done manually) in time! People always complained about having to fill out their time sheets. I used to be so tempted not to nag them about it and have them go without pay for one pay period! LOL!

    I've been making good progress on my holiday gift list. Just a few more people to get for and I'll be done.

    1. We've always had a handful of hourly employees who had to keep manual timecards. Same thing, always turning in at last minute, holding me up. I've been tempted to just not pay them either, LOL. Now they have to clock in and out, so that helps somewhat.

  3. I'm at a loss as to what to put on my Christmas list, too. We draw names in our family, and I know that some of the people like to get an early (Black Friday) start on their shopping, so the pressure's on to think of some things I need.

    1. I hear ya. Seems the older I get the less idea I have, LOL

  4. I just have so few ideas this year for people. My kids all just could use money towards various adventures, but I have some smaller things for the girls, but nothing for son, but he doesn't like to haul back things across country, so likely a couple gift cards for him. My mother-in-law is the hardest.

    1. At this point we just have DD, SIL, my mom, and each other to buy for, so not too hard. Or is shouldn't be hard, LOL.

  5. It is great your daughter is so good to her grandmother.

    1. She's a good girl. We were fortunate that she got to grow up living very near her grandparents, so they are close.

  6. I think I'm pretty much done for Christmas shopping as as soon as an idea pops into my mind for someone I go ahead and buy it all year round. I need to check that it's balanced out between them though but we're off to Turin again on Saturday so might have some ideas there. And talking of payroll, not so many years ago (I guess we would have been 600 staff) we in HR used to do all the input and then finances would run the payroll but the chief finance officer then went through every single pay check to check it manually. No wonder she was so stressed!

    1. I'm glad I only have 55 employees to do - and glad it's only twice a month. LOL.

  7. I am trying to carve away at my shopping too - I have so many gifts! I am glad your mama will have a nice Thanksgiving with her grandkids.

    I work in a small office, so payroll is my boss handing me the cheque and me calculating my taxes at year end LOL

    1. DD just sent me another gift idea for her, so that helps.

  8. This year I am doing my shopping for Son1's family next week when we are in Portland. I figure I might as well buy it and wrap it there instead of shipping it.
    Son3 and wife? They are going to Sweden for Christmas, so I need to either have their things ready by next week for shipping or wait until after the new year. Totally uninspired!

    1. Maybe I'll get more inspired once I get all the decorations up. It just seems so late this year, with Thanksgiving so late in November.
