Friday, November 22, 2019


We're finally seeing some sunshine, rather than clouds, fog, and rain. But, with the sunshine comes colder temps, of course, and we're looking to see snow starting Sunday. Ok by me. I was getting tired of the clouds.

I cannot get back to my MTurks level of $20 per day. I am trying, too! I can barely even do the $5/day I was doing before my "breakthrough". I don't know what is going on. I'm just not catching any of the hits I am trying for. My best day the past 2 weeks has been $8. Disappointing. After earning over $450 last month, I had high hopes going forward, with this.

My morning call to my mom yesterday - she sounded so good! Very chatty and upbeat, like she did that week after my visit (when BF's kids started taking on more responsibility). What wonders not having to take care of BF does, right?! She said she turned her tv on, which she hasn't done in awhile, and was watching the Price is Right. She also said his daughter is going to pick her up on Thanksgiving day and go spend time with BF for a couple hours or so. Then she will bring her back to her apartment, where she plans to partake in the big Thanksgiving dinner celebration in the dining room.  DD will be spending the Saturday after with her. She was planning on taking her to visit BF, but decided since she will have just seen him, she's probably not going to (unless Grandma really expresses a desire to). She said she'd rather just spend the time she has with her Grandma, not him. She's not too keen on BF anymore, anyway, after finding out all his behind the scenes stuff with SB. (she keeps telling me her gut doesn't trust SB).

I'm slowly getting our new payroll system figured out. Boy, it seems like it's taking me forever. There sure is a lot more involved that I have to do with it, compared to our old company. In our old company we basically had a dedicated support person who handled quite a few of the tasks I'm now required to do. And this new company/system just has a lot of weird quirks to it and so many steps to get a payroll processed, then more steps after that, even. My boss does the HR side of it, and I'm guessing it's just as much more work for her (adding new employees, etc) compared to our old company. Plus, we've been adding new people like crazy the past couple of months. Not that we are a huge company but we've just increased our staff by 10 % in the past couple of months.

I ordered that digital calendar/medication reminder for my mom yesterday, to deliver to DD's house. She will figure out how it works and plans to take it to her when she visits next weekend. Fingers crossed it's helpful.


  1. Glad your mom is taken care of for Thanksgiving. The big group dinner will probably be so much fun for her. Also glad your daughter will have time with just the two of them.

    1. I'm glad too and glad she'll get to spend some time with her BF, while he's still able

  2. The Thanksgiving dinner will give her a great chance to connect with people for the future. I agree with DD, as you know, that SB is not to be trusted. I wonder if the medication system works as expected. I suppose you will know and let us know, too.

    1. She will enjoy the Thanksgiving dinner, I'm sure. I will let you know how the medication reminder system works. I think that just seeing the day of the week displayed will be a big help.

  3. SB just sounds so arrogant and condescending, even if he means well, his attitude towards you sucked. I hope your mom enjoys the social side of her apartment.

    1. yes, I agree, very arrogant and condescending. I was actually writing a post just about that, but haven't finished it yet. Mom mentioned yesterday she was looking at the social calendar to see all they had to do.

  4. It really is quite telling that she seems so much better now that she is no longer shouldering BF responsibilities on her own isn't it. I'm glad for her - she deserves some down time!

    1. She said yesterday she deserves to enjoy what's left of her life, so I think she'll be ok without BF

  5. I'm glad to read that your mom seems to be doing well and looking forward to enjoying the social activities being offered where she is. :)
