Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sunday stuff

Our electrician came out yesterday to check out our smoke alarm issue. Sure enough, the 3 smoke alarms (up and down) on that side of the house were not even working! Apparently never had been, other than off battery power. There was a wire that never got hooked up to the one in the den and it was also connected to the 2 on that side of the house upstairs. It was at least a very easy fix for him,  though I don't think he was too happy with his guys missing that! He couldn't figure out why, though, the one in the hallway also went off (it's a combo smoke/carbon monoxide) so just to be safe he swapped it for a new one.

We didn't do a lot yesterday. Watched a movie in the afternoon and watched another one after dinner. This morning I have been doing some vacuuming and what not. DH took a big piece of green outdoor carpet over to neighbors. We wanted to get rid of and neighbor lady wanted to try it in their dog kennel. Neighbor guy went hunting yesterday morning and got his deer for the season.

DH also cut out a bit of the grass sod around a tree trunk in the back yard, as he won't want to be mowing it next year, right up to the trunk. The weather is back to wet and rain.

I just talked to my mom. She says she got her pill box filled up yesterday. She also said SB and his wife are coming to take her to see her BF tomorrow......she said "I guess they don't think I can drive myself anymore, I don't know why". Then a bit later she said "I don't even know how they knew I was planning to go see him tomorrow". I said well, I'm guessing BF called him.........It will be interesting to see how she does the rest of tomorrow and next day......SB seems to always end up causing her more confusion and stress with his "help".

But, she sounded very good. Very chatty, making jokes and laughed pretty hard at a story I told her about one of my dogs.


  1. Sounds like it ended up being a good thing that the alarm went off. Otherwise you might have never known that the other alarms weren't even properly wired!

    1. yes it was! and who knew all these smoke and smoke/carbon monoxide detectors were supposed to be all integrated with each other?!

  2. One good thing about building in the state of never-ending-permits--the inspector would have caught that smoke detector issue. I hope.
    I want to see a picture of your tree when you put it up. And, I think I told you, we have very similar, if not the same, countertops.

    1. The one and only permit/inspection required here was a state electrical inspection - and obviously the guy failed that! I'm going to put up my Christmas decor on Friday, so I'll post a pic. I think I'm going to put up my older (white) fake tree too, since I have room :)

  3. Oh that SB again? I am hoping they will not try to talk your mom into changing the POA again or bring up the issue and upset her.

    1. I'm guessing something is sounds like they (BF and SB) keep suggesting to her she needs to move now.

  4. I'm glad the electrician was able to figure out and fix the smoke detectors. I hope your mom's visit to see her BF with your SB works out well.

    1. We feel better knowing the problem was fixed. Wish the SB problem was fixed, ha!

  5. I think that if they cannot cause trouble from a distance, they are hoping to do so up close. I also think they are coming to detect and mental disturbance they can blow up to get control again or prove you are not reliable as a long distance caretaker. Beware. I hope your daughter at least matches them visit for visit with your mother. They are trying to build a case. Think about it. And, maybe she could leave to visit bf before they get there.

    1. this thought is in the back of my mind, too...BF's daughter is taking her there on Thursday to see him, they all could have pretty easily talked her into just waiting until then to go see him, rather than SB and his wife driving an hour and a half to take her.

    2. They want here there to care for him!

    3. No, he's getting full time nursing care where he is now, she doesn't have to do anything in that respect any more. I know they don't want her to drive herself, but I think mostly it's they want to either talk to her about the DPOA or about getting her to move. I know BF just seems to think since he doesn't live there now, she has to move. I'm pretty sure SB doesn't want her to have to take care of BF, either. None of us want her doing that.
