Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Easing into the week

DH got a call from his good friend's wife. The hospital did more tests. There is no tumor and just some "minor" surgery needed to fix him up, so that is a huge relief. His surgery will be today.  He's been friends with this guy since he was 18 years old. DH has actually warned "newer" good friends he makes that it's bad luck to be friends with him........but this buddy is just about his oldest/longest friend, so like DH tells him "you're stuck with me". This buddy is like a big old biker dude, but he literally has the softest heart.

DH got some house/shop maintenance done yesterday. Flushed out the 3 hot water heaters (2 are tankless and one is regular). Saturday, while I was cleaning house he had done a bit of outside window washing, so that helped too. He also put some weed killer down on our gravel driveway.

DD's business trip for this week got cancelled. She was literally getting in her truck to drive to the airport early yesterday morning and got a text from her co-worker that the flight into Denver was cancelled due to a storm, so co-worker (in charge of the group that travels to this place) cancelled the whole trip.  DD is still going to take half a day Friday off and go take care of my mom's DPOA notarization. She will also see her again Thanksgiving weekend, and then we'll both be there again 2 weeks after that. Hopefully, that helps with my mom, a bit, to have these visits more often. I want to start putting some of my MTurks monthly earnings towards saving for flying over there more often to see her. (and start watching for the flight sales and plan around those cheap prices). I eased myself back into the MTurks today and was able to do $12 for the day. This morning I am at $5 already.

With all going on with my mom the past week or so, I forgot to share my new breadbox! DH had woodworker friend make it for me. I think he just pretty much had scrap wood laying around and used that. I love it. Our neighbor loved it, now she wants one, so DH contacted woodworker friend about making one for her.

DD got me started watching a new show on Netflix called Atypical. I'm only on the third episode, but liking it so far.

Our $500 payment for our topsoil we sold should be here any day. The guy texted DH over the weekend wanting our address to mail it to. I guess he had our old PO box # and it got returned to him. We had used him for a small job when we were first clearing our property a few years ago and living in town, so I guess that's how he still had our PO Box#.

That's all I've got for today, so far. 


  1. Oh I just love that bread box, it's right up my alley!

  2. That is a lovely bread box! Hope you have a good week and that payment arrives soon!

    1. No payment yet. I had hoped it would get here today.

  3. Oh...I want one!!
    That's a pretty breadbox. Wow!
    I'm glad your mom seems to be doing better. Too much at one time for her. I experienced a lot of the same with my mom, so I totally get it! I'm glad your DD is able to visit her. You're lucky there. :)

    1. Yes, way too much for my mom at one time. And I feel so bad to add more to it, but honestly the POA, to me, is very important to rectify.

  4. I am so happy about your DH's friend. I am sure he took a breath of relief. Once the POA is taken care of, I am sure you will also be relieved. Love the breadbox btw!

    1. I'll be so glad to get this DPOA finalized....two more days. Hope your trip is still going well.
