Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Wednesday goings on

I have these 4 shares of stock of a company I worked for years and years ago (before DD was born). Every quarter I get a stupid little dividend check of like $1.50. LOL. I should just figure out how to sell these 4 shares. They are worth almost $300 total. Might as well get something out of them. I don't even recall how I got them in the first place. Some employee stock deal. I called the shareholder services number on my dividend check and was instructed how to download a sale form and I have to fill out and mail my 4 shares in with the form. He said it takes like 5 days for them to sell, then another 2 days for a check to be sent out to me, less a $15 fee. Might as well sell them. I certainly have no real need to hang on to these 4 shares. It's not like some big investment LOL and I highly doubt these will ever be worth much more than they ever have been.

Amazing how much more this mason guy gets done per day compared to the guy we had who started it last summer. He actually works full days. Imagine that. That first guy worked 3-4 hours a day.

This morning I had my blood draw and mammogram done. I had to fast for the blood draw (cholesterol check) but the earliest mammogram appointment they have is 9:30. So, I got there about a half hour early to get the blood drawn. I was starving. I had a few crackers before bed, but that's it since like 10pm. I drank lots of water when I got up this morning. The mammogram wasn't nearly as painful as it was last year. Probably just different technician. Plus I did take some advil before I went, so maybe that helped a bit.

Since it only takes 10 minutes to do the mammogram, I was on my way shortly after. Stopped into Lowes and picked up a template ($8) for installing cabinet pulls. Then I remembered there was a post office on the street behind it, so I ran in there and mailed my stock certificates off. Then to Target for some laundry supplies and picked up a few food items that I knew were cheaper than the grocery store. I also got a Mother's Day card and a graduation card, along with 2 Subway gift cards. My mom likes Subway, so I'll put that in her card. We were invited to some friends for their son's graduation surprise party on Sunday afternoon. We went to a trade school for being a lineman, so they are having a little party for him. Figured I'd better get him a card and a little gift too, so got him a Subway card, too.

Grocery shopping was nice. No DH making me feel rushed, plus the store wasn't busy at that time of morning. The bagging guy offered to take my stuff out to my car, so I let him load it all in. Much better than me having to lug cases of water and soda off the cart.

I was back home at noon and back to work. Just have too much to do right now to take time off this week. I think I'll try to take a couple extra days around Memorial Day weekend.


  1. Treats like Subway cards are nice gifts. We have some stock form an old class action suit we didn't even know we were part of until we each got a significant amount of shares. He gets like $41 a quarter and mine is about $18. I think the stick cumulative is worth about $15,000 so for now, we are holding on and treat the little dividend as a little savings boost.

    1. Well, that was a nice settlement you got! Nice little investment.

  2. I hope your blood test results and mammogram results come back saying everything is fine.

    1. thank you, hopefully no scares, like last year!

  3. I do not liketo be rushed when shopping either. It was nice of that gentleman to help you with the heavy stuff. Like your mom, I like subway too. To me it is a healthier option when you have to eat out in a rush. We have several Subways over here too.

  4. Funny, I've never found mammograms painful (probably because I'm stacked) but talk about "inglorious" eh! And I always preferred to go shopping alone - not that my ex ever offered - but if he was with me we would spend 2-3 times as much and then have nowhere to store it when we got home!

    1. The very first one I had years ago was sooo painful. I walked out of there and swore I was never doing it again, LOL. The next one I went to a different place and it didn't hurt at all and I mentioned it and she said that other radiology place had closed down and they had really old equipment.

  5. I'm thankful Hubs doesn't like to shop. Whenever he does go with me, we ALWAYS end up spending far more. It is great that you keep "finding" these extra sums of money! Woohoo!

    1. I'm kind of wishing hubs didn't like to go with me, haha. The only good part is he takes a cart and heads off to get soda, water, chips and a few other things, so I'm on my own for a bit.

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