Thursday, May 30, 2019

Slow service

While we will start moving in, I won't be able to set up my work computer inside the house until next Thursday. Our telephone/internet company is so slow at getting things done. I called a few weeks ago to get the phone and internet hooked up at the house. They told me about 1-2 weeks. A guy showed up last week (I think it was last week, might have been the week before) just to look at what needs to be done. It's really an easy job. All the wiring is in the house, done by our electricians. The wires are sticking out at the end of the house, next to a piece of conduit that already runs under the ground 10 feet over to the shop, to their box. That's all they have to do, pull the wire to their box and plug it in and whatever they need to do to make the phone jacks in the house work.  He says it might be 3 more weeks (for what he says is maybe an hour job). I called this morning and they said they left me a voice mail yesterday to schedule a time to come out. No voice mail is on my phone. Anyhow, the earliest they can come out is next Thursday morning.

We want the mover guys to carry my desk (2 parts) upstairs, since it's heavy, but our modem (that is currently in the shop) won't signal that far to my office in the house. So, until it gets hooked up in the house, I'll have to just set up a table (we have several folding tables) in the shop and still work out here. Oh well. So much for trying to plan ahead a few weeks so it was ready.

The receptionist at my office sent an email yesterday to everyone that there were several different Brother printer cartridges in the supply closet, and if anyone has Brother printers at home, feel free to take them (I guess the office isn't using that brand now). She sent a photo of the available ones. I still have a Brother printer and there was a printer cartridge and a printer drum for my model, so I quickly sent and email that I would take the ones for my printer! She is UPS'ing them over to me. I was just thinking the other day I'd better get a printer cartridge ordered, because I don't have a spare and the one I have is probably getting about ready to run out. Glad I don't have to spend the money now on a cartridge. They aren't cheap.

I'm taking tomorrow off work. The mover helper guys are supposed to come around noon. Last evening we moved out our 2 guest bedroom bedframes into the bedrooms and got the log bed put together. We still need a mattress set for one of the queen beds.

It's my lunch break, so I'm going to take my new bath mats and put in the upstairs guest bathroom. These were a Kohl's clearance that I got for almost nothing with a Kohl's reward. They are thick and plush.


  1. It's getting real! It's crazy how long it takes to get internet installed.

    1. as we have found out, nothing gets done too fast around here, that's for sure. Our mason is originally from somewhere else, he said he's had to learn to get lazy because everyone does everything so slow here. He said if he doesn't stand at the mason supply store counter and watch the guy place his order, it won't get done for like 2 weeks. haha.

  2. This has to be such an exciting time, to have everything finally coming to an end and to be starting to move in! I am all excited for you! I hope you will post pictures of each room after they are set up the way you want them. I'm nosy, that way! :D

    Hope the internet gets connected soon, without any problems.

    1. yes, I will post pics, eventually. It's going to be awhile before most of the rooms get the way I want. We are broke from all the extra expenses.

  3. Wow! You are moving! It is really exciting and I am jumping with joy for you. Looking forward to tons of pictures hopefully... Born curious, can't help it :)

    1. yes! at least we can move in at our own pace, since it's just from the shop to the house ;)
