Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Just this and that

DD will be coming over for a weekend visit next weekend. Yay! It will be wonderful to see her. Haven't seen her since they came over last November - eek! Once we get past this build and all the money suck with it, and I can get on a regular monthly budget, I'm going to get back to setting aside some money each month for "travel" - to either drive or fly back to see her and my mom at least a couple times a year. If planned ahead enough, I can get a RT flight for around $200. I figure about $33 a month set aside gets me about $400 saved a year to put toward a couple of trips. That's doable.

The mason did the sealant on our fireplace and breakfast bar stone. Really changes it. Just gives it a more shiny finished look. Now DH is doing the outside of the shop stone with it. It just gets sprayed on with a garden pump type sprayer and a little brushing on.  Trying to save a little by doing it himself, rather than paying the mason to do it. It's still a big job and his arms are already worn out.

My neighbor emailed that someone in town is starting up one of those "bountiful baskets" type of produce purchases. I had heard of these before. She was placing an order and going to town on Saturday morning to pick it up and wanted to know if I was interested. I said I might be - but not until after we get settled in our house and I can start making real meals again. I'll keep it in mind. Sounds like it will be every other Saturday.

While I've managed to do over $40 a week (my goal is $25) in M-Turk income the past 3 weeks in a row, I feel like it's been a total struggle on some days to find any hits. I constantly refresh, but it's all the same stuff I've either done/tried or looked at already. Or it literally just came up in the few seconds I just refreshed and already not available any longer. Oh well, I just keep plugging away at it and am managing to exceed my goal, so guess I shouldn't complain. I also watch my emails, as occasionally I will get emailed about a hit I qualify for or it's a follow up survey. And just as I was typing that out, I received an email for a Part 2 of a survey that took me about 15 minutes and is supposed to pay me $4. Some days are like that, haha.

The end of next week Fri or Sat would be my normal grocery shopping trip, but with DD going to be here I don't want to be spending time grocery shopping. With the success of the Target order pick up, I've decided to give the Walmart online grocery shopping/pick up at store a try. We will be in the city Saturday morning (shopping for dresses), so I see you can schedule for what day/hour you'd like to pick up and you can apparently buy everything - steaks, produce, etc. I also see you can refer a friend and earn $10. I'm going to text my friend, who told me she uses it, and see if she wants to refer me, so she can earn $10. I'm pretty sure I'll really like just pulling up and having my order loaded in my car, LOL. Plus, if I start shopping at Walmart, again, I'll probably save some money compared to the grocery store we have been shopping at.

It's really gotten nice weather the past 2 days. Sunny and 70's. I was sure getting tired of the gray skies every day the past couple of weeks.


  1. I did bountiful baskets for years. They aren’t here anymore, and I miss them. It’s a really good deal, and the stuff we got was usually really good. Definitely give it a try once you get moved.

    1. yes, I will have to give it a try and see what my neighbor thinks after she gets her basket this weekend.

  2. Looks like you are almost there to move. Will DD be staying at the new house?

    1. I think we are going to try to start moving in what we can lift ourselves. A local guy said his son (adult) does odd jobs, so we are thinking of seeing if we could hire him to help DH move the heavy stuff. Shouldn't need him more than 2-3 hours.

  3. I have not tried Walmart's pick up service yet. Please share your opinion when you finally use it.

    1. ok, will do. My friend uses it all the time and says she's been happy with it. Orders meat and produce with her orders, too.

  4. We are getting Walmart pickup soon. I worked at Walmart for 7 years. They have cashiers that don’t know the difference between zucchini and cucumbers. I don’t know if I would trust a lot of those people to pick my produce lol. I will try the pickup though. A lot of people love it.
