Friday, May 24, 2019

TGIF and other headaches

I am completely exhausted this morning. Oh hey, it's almost 10am and the carpet guys still aren't here....when the guy left yesterday around 5:30 he said (again, LOL) we'll be here first thing tomorrow, so we can get this done. Ya, pretty sure it's not even going to get finished today, by the looks of it. It was supposed to be a 2 day job. And since Monday is a holiday, they won't be here until Tuesday, then.

By now it's almost 10:30. Still no carpet guys. We have someone scheduled on Tuesday (hvac finish up) that can't do their work until all the carpet is done (part of what they are doing is setting all the furnace vent covers). At 10:15 DH called the carpet store owner to ask him if he knew if they are coming today or not, because we need this finished today, so we don't have to push our next guy out. At 10:35 he calls back and says they should be pulling in any minute and the head installer assures him that it will get finished today.  I'll bet money, if we just hadn't raised a stink, it wouldn't be getting finished today. The mason guy that has been working here every day, is also having a house built. I guess he was commenting to his contractor how long our carpet is taking to get installed in our house and the guy is like what are they doing? it's a one day job! It's not like there is tons of carpet - just our master bedroom and the upstairs rooms, about 1600 sq ft total carpet. Plus, only 2 of the 3 guys are here today, he already said he had to send his other guy on another job.

We went up into the house last night to look around. Pop cans and water bottles left on our wood window ledges and on this nicely finished wood ledge we have up in our sitting loft. We threw the pop can away and set their water bottles on a piece of cardboard. Do you think they'll get the hint?

I only have to work a half day. I also have to go into the city and do grocery shopping and pick up misc stuff at hardware store for DH. Just thinking about it, exhausts me right now. The carpet guys are supposed to be here all day, so DH doesn't want to leave in case they have questions (which they do every so often) so I'm going to have to go do it myself. I tried to suggest we go tomorrow morning, but he said he's got stuff he wants to get working on in the morning (with the stuff I pick up today).

I cannot stand shopping online with Walmart anymore. They have so many 3rd party vendors now, that it's so hard to find stuff. I just want to buy what Walmart sells, at their pricing, that's the reason I've always shopped there. Plus, half the stuff isn't eligible for shipping any more. I can't even have a roll of Great Value aluminum foil shipped. So, back to Target online. I was adding to my cart and saw some discounts for picking up the order in the store. Well, since I'm heading into the city this afternoon, I'm going to give it a try! Says the order will be ready in 2 hours. And it will save time shopping around in the store. Might be my new thing to use :)


  1. I so agree with you on walmart. They are trying to compete with Amazon by adding third party sellers and I hate it. I do use their grocery pickup though alternatig with kroger clicklist.

    1. I'm going to try their grocery pick up once we get moved into the house. A friend uses it and really likes it.

  2. I try to avoid Wal-Mart whenever possible. Fortunately, we have a lot of other options in my area.

    1. I really liked their online shopping for a couple of years. Now it's just too much work.
