Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Lions, tigers and bears

Ok, not tigers, but lions and bears! Over the winter we had the hunter catch a mountain lion right across the road. Yesterday the guys that are camping here this week, while they do the concrete work, went bear hunting nearby after they got done working. Ya, they got one. By the time they got it back to their truck and then back here, it was midnight when they were taking care of skinning it in our driveway, LOL. DH went out and watched. I stayed asleep.

The electricians and the fireplace guy didn't really figure out the problem with the electrical yesterday. There was a screw for the fireplace near wiring that they said could have been the culprit, but they aren't sure. They can't get the power to go out again, so hopefully it's fixed.  The head electrician (who was out here to first look at the problem last week) messaged DH  yesterday and asked if he could come back sometime and take pictures of our house lighting to use in his advertising brochure. DH told him sure!

The concrete is being poured for our garage parking slabs right as I type this. Quite the comical scene. It's a warm day, so they are in shorts...no shirts, and these tall mud boots, LOL

My mom and her boyfriend are supposed to be here sometime early afternoon. Will be so nice to see her. Her BF got some type of new treatment for pain in his legs. I'll have to get more info from her. I think she said it was some kind of stem cell thing. I hope it helps him. I know he's been in a lot of pain the past couple of years, but he doesn't want to have surgery. It sounds like they might just stay in the motel in town, (they'll have driven 5 or 6 hours) and head home tomorrow morning. Then I'll get more time with them. We can go eat dinner at the restaurant in town or something. I'm just going to work until noon and take a half day off. I want to go out and mop the laminate (again!) so it doesn't look so dirty and dusty.

I'm tired. I didn't sleep very well. Kept getting woken up. First it was DH's phone ringing like 11pm (or later) and him talking to a friend. Then he went outside to watch the bear happenings and of course when he came back in woke me up to tell me about it. Then about 4am one of the dogs woke up and wanted outside. I need a nap!


  1. I am so ready for your build to be over! Too many setbacks!

    1. me too! now apparently they just did this big pour of our front garage pads, only have 3 guys to work it and it's so warm out it's drying up too fast before they can get it smoothed out, stamped, etc....ugh.

  2. I can't imagine what it would be like to know there were bears (and mountain lions) "out back". My son and his wife were in Utah in March and had just rounded a corner in the mountains where they were supposed to put snow chains on and there lying on a rock was a massive mountain lion! He said there was no way he was stopping to put chains on after that. When he explained to the park ranger the guy said that in 10 years in the park he had never seen a mountain lion so my son and his wife were really lucky! Couldn't imagine putting my chains on and having a mountain lion looking over my shoulder to "make sure I'm doing it right"though!

    1. it's is a strange feeling to know they are out there. The mountain lions and bears are pretty elusive. Mostly we see deer and elk and the silly wild turkeys. We also have a bald eagles nest across the river and we get to see the eagles every so often, which is neat. We saw a bear on a hike one time, that was too close for comfort, but neat!

  3. Wow! It looks like you are living in the wilderness. Poor bear by the way... Such bad luck...

    1. yes, we are definitely up in the mountains here. That's kind of what I thought....poor bear just minding his own business...

  4. Oh, my! Ha, ha, just couldn't help adding that! :D

    I hope you have a nice visit with your mom.
