Friday, May 10, 2019

Friday is finally here

Not much going on yet today. The finish guy is supposed to be here. He was supposed to be here yesterday too...but well, you know how that goes.....

The concrete guy (another one of our contractor's sons) is coming Monday and says it will take 4 days to do the concrete work. Couple days of setting forms, a couple days of pouring. He says he's bringing his camper to just stay while he's working here..but well, you know how that goes.....

DH hardly goes anywhere, but the two times he has someone came by, haha. When we were at our friends BBQ on Sunday he was chatting with her parents, who have some property nearby. Told them to stop by some time. So, 10 minutes after he left yesterday afternoon, they pulled in. So, I showed them the house and visited with them. DH had gone over to visit with the guy who will be building our table and bar countertop.

Today is my half workday Friday, so I guess I'm going in to do grocery shopping by myself again. I also, apparently, have to stop and pick up some kind of concrete sealant we will need. Expensive stuff, of course.

Finish guy just showed up. He had to rent a lift thing, so he can get up and finish the trim paint and caulking on the outside that is way up top...I'm sure we're paying for that too....even though we had one here for months last Fall...but the painter lady wanted to "do it later", rather than when the equipment was here and already paid for.

I think my check for the sale of the stock is coming in today's mail. Looks to be what it is from my USPS informed delivery email I got this morning.

Our neighbors took their oldest sweet dog to the vet yesterday. She's getting so old, but still hanging in there. Her back legs don't want to work as good as they used to. Neighbor (because he has that kind of sense of humor) says "we're taking her in to be put down!" His wife says "NO we ARE NOT!". We were outside when they pulled in their driveway yesterday and I said she better be in that car! She was, haha. But, she has gained like 16 pounds over the winter, so now she is on a diet. DH told them he's probably to blame for some of it because he gives them treats too. I'm sure the majority of it is caused by her legs and she's not getting the activity she used to be able to get.

When the electrician came out the other day to see what caused our power to go out in the great room and crawlspace (where our furnace is) he thinks it's something caused by the gas fireplace wiring. The electricians are scheduled to come back next Monday anyway to finish up, so they got it working for now and the fireplace guy is going to come Monday while they are here and take a look at his work. The electrician said he's pretty sure it's the fireplace causing the breaker to go out (and not reset) but if it turns out it's not he said the fireplace guy can send him a bill for his time. DH had turned on the fireplace that evening I went into the house to take my bath and we let it run for a few hours - then later that night the power went out.



  1. It's hard when dogs get older. Hubs and I go back and forth regarding putting our dog down. My hunch is it will happen sooner than later. He still gets around, but is a bag of bones. Hope you get your electrical figured out soon.

    1. I'm not looking forward to when our oldest dog starts declining. He's already 10 1/2 so it's going to be soon.

  2. The end of life is hard whether it is a dog or a parent. Things change quickly.

  3. Sorry for the old dog. My uncle cried his eyes out when he had to have his beloved dog put down. The 7 year old huge shepherd dog (Anatolian Shepherd/Sivas Kangal) had cancer and the vet told my uncle, it was the right thing to do. His name was Atos after the Three Musketeers.

    1. it's hard parting with a pet, even a neighbor's pet, haha! She always comes over to say hello

  4. Our concrete has ALL BEEN POURED!!! It's gorgeous. Our superintendent is a perfectionist, and pouring concrete is how he got his start. Looking to a June move.

    1. That's exciting! I wish comments allowed pictures so you could share some :)

  5. Your house looks amazing! So glad you are this close. What a relief. You can settle in and enjoy your summer. Maybe you can take time off then, to enjoy getting things settled and another week when your daughter gets married. Sure have enjoyed catching up, love reading about your place.

  6. Sounds like things are settling into place, nicely! Except for the power going off like that and having to rent equipment to paint the trim that got put off till later and such! It's always something, isn't it? But, it sounds like you are getting close to the moving in date!
