Saturday, May 25, 2019

Carpet is in

The carpeting is done. They didn't get finished until after 7pm last night. DH said they busted their butts all day, not the slower pace as they had done the first 2 days. I know if we had not made a stink yesterday morning, they would not have gotten it done and would have said "oh, we'll just have to come back "first thing" Tuesday morning.

carpeting in the upstairs sitting loft. Above the fireplace is the ledge (and wood window wraps) where they just set their soda and water bottles. DH and I were in our bathrooms this morning and I brought him in a bottle of water and set it on the granite countertop. I told DH I LIVE here and I wouldn't even set something with a drink in it on my wood surfaces....why would they think it's ok?!

We are having a disagreement about the setting of furniture up here, LOL. We have that new little wood table. I plan to set it in front of the fireplace with the long side facing the sides of room. A small love seat will go on one side of it and a chair (maybe 2)  will go across from it, so the table will be in the middle between the chair and loveseat, facing each other. That way you can look over at the fireplace and those windows OR you can look over the other direction into the greatroom/those big windows. DH thinks the loveseat should be facing the fireplace with the table in front of it. I told him to stay out of the interior design part, haha.  When sitting up there I want to sit in either the chair or loveseat and see both the fireplace and look out over the greatroom/river view. Those windows above look out the front of our house, the greatroom windows look out the back.

I tried the Target order online/pick up in store. It's the bees knees! I walked up to the (no line) customer service desk. She scanned my bar code for my order on my phone. Brought out my order. I put it in a cart, took it out to my car and done. I will definitely be using that service again. Why not have someone shop for me, for the same price (or less)? haha!

We  spent part of today installing our bathroom stuff: towels rods, towel ring, toilet paper holders. They seem decent and the price for 4 piece sets couldn't be beat at $21 each set. Now DH is making himself a new set of saw horses out of some leftover lumber. The ones he has are ages old and so rickety. I think they used to belong to his dad and we got them years ago.


  1. Hooray! You have the carpets in! Thank goodness that is completed! It looks nice. I like that color - goes well with the window trim. Too funny about the disagreement over the furniture arrangement. I guess, the good thing about furniture is, you can change the arrangement any time you please.

    1. that is nice about furniture - changes are pretty easy :)

  2. Always love getting new carpet. A rare treat. We are cleaning ours this weekend but looking at flooring down the road of a different kind more pleasing with doggies. George likes to decorate too - he is always giving his opinion. He cooks a lot so he gets his way more in the kitchen set up. Have a fun weekend.

    1. we did mostly wood laminate in main floor, for the dogs. My DH doesn't cook or clean, no he gets no say in decor, LOL

  3. We just totally remodeled our kitchen. It was gutted. My husband did all the work himself. I let him make some of the decisions because frankly I didn’t care. I don’t love everything he chose, but do love everything I insisted on like my beautiful wooden countertops he made out maple hardwood flooring. I wanted them dark to contrast with the white cabinets and he wanted them gray. I love, love, love my pantry barn doors which he made using two old doors I found. I also found some really pretty antique glass doorknobs to use. I wanted him to restore the old bead board ceiling that we assumed was under the ceiling we tore out. He deemed it to much work so he bought bead board and hung that as a compromise. I also like the sink I chose. I do not like the LVP flooring he picked out, the style of cabinets he went with, or the backsplash he chose. Actually I do like backsplash tile, I was just unsure how I would like it as a backsplash, and I am still not sure lol. Everything is fine, and it looks nice, it’s just not all choices I would have made. Like I said, I just didn’t care.

    1. That sounds nice! It's awesome that he can do all that work himself. We kind of made an agreement, he chose the outside/landscaping, I did the inside, LOL. He sometimes still questions me, but then once it's done, he's like ya, you were right. haha.

    2. We repainted the house a couple years ago. He asked my opinion on colors, then went with what he wanted anyway lol. I didn’t like it then, and I don’t like it now, but oh well. We have totally different tastes apparently. I don’t help with any of this stuff so I basically just let him do his own thing. I am thankful that he can do just about anything himself. He’s a VP for a flooring company, so he certainly doesn’t have any official training. He just googles or watches you tube if he needs to know how to do something. All 4 of our kids have bought their first house in the last two years-they keep him very busy!

  4. It's so exciting seeing all your new pictures and your progress. I think once you have your furniture in you'll get a feel for which way is best, but if in doubt you have the deciding vote! What on earth will your hubs do with himself though when this build is finally finished!

    1. Everyone keeps asking him that! He will have much to do, I think. He will have all that STUFF in his shop to start unpacking (most has been in bins and on pallets for almost 3 years now) and figure out what he wants to keep and what to sell. Selling will take up a lot of time, I'm sure. He's going to have 2 acres of lawn and landscaping to tend (once it's in) and winters he'll get to plow snow all the time, haha - or just do projects in his shop.

  5. How long before you spend your first official night in your new house? So happy for you. It has been quite a journey.
