Monday, May 20, 2019

Weekend update

It was a tiring weekend. DH was a crab and still is. Every. Little. Thing. Saturday he spent most of the day starting to do the inside of closets. We decided to do ourselves, rather than pay the contractor, not to mention, who knows when they would ever get finished.

Yesterday we spent almost all day sealing the concrete. It was kind of cold outside, too, so not too enjoyable to be out. The concrete they poured in front of our garage looks like old crappy concrete (even sealed), while the pads in front of the shop look great. They were both supposed to be same color (a tan color premixed in) but the color in front of the shop is barely there. We're guessing a result of they didn't have enough help and it started drying too fast? Or the plant didn't put enough color in it. Sealing it made it a bit darker, but still looks like crap.

DH ran to town this morning to get a form notarized. To claim his portion of the small life insurance policy his dad had through his union. DH stresses over every little thing. Will the bank charge to notarize. I said, not usually, since you are a customer. Then he says he only has $6 cash. I said, well then if you are worried about it, take your checkbook and write a check to the bank for the fee, if they charge you! Geez. Or make a withdrawal while you are there, so you have some cash in your wallet. First, because of his crabby mood, he wasn't even going to get it notarized and sent in to the insurance company. I'm like you know what....parents age and then they die. And then there is paperwork and stuff to deal with. It's a fact of life. Just take care of it, so you aren't holding up possibly paying out the others, thinking you are just slow in getting it in.

A week or so ago DH had gone over to that woodworking guy's place again. He had a neat little coffee type table (or could probably be used as a bench) he had finished. Log style with an eagle scene burned into the top. DH was like, oh I'd like to buy that or one like it from you, but we're outta cash right now. Maybe once we get the dining table and bar countertop done, we can have you make one of these or buy this one if you still have it. The guy called yesterday and said he needs room in his little workshop, he's just going to bring it over and we can pay him for it when we pay him for the other stuff (down the road). Ok. haha.

I'm thinking either a little coffee table up in my upstairs sitting loft or it would be cute as a little bench for suitcase in guest bedroom with the log bed. When DH showed me pics of it before I asked if he knew how much it cost. He didn't. I guessed $300. He said he thought more like $400. So, I asked the guy how much is it, so I know how much I need to save for? He himhawed and said $150....both DH and I at same time said NO! that's too cheap! That's a lot of work he puts into the burning.

My boss is thinking of switching payroll/HR companies. We've been with the same one for many many years. Mostly staying because of our HR person there, but the company was bought out a couple of years ago and the service just isn't as good anymore. She had a prelim meeting with potential nationwide company last week and just sent me some links to look at and see what I think. I used this company for payroll many years ago at a different company I worked for (with 600 employees) so have a little familiarity with them. It was an easy system to use, I do remember that.


  1. I love that little table/bench. No less than $300 for sure. That is a super handy piece to have. We have a guy up here that does that type of work. Not cheap:()
    Hopefully your DH will be in a better mood when he returns. I know how frustrating this build has been for you guys. But you are soooo close.

    1. We will definitely give him more than $150! We are very close :)

  2. No, don't hide that gorgeous table in a bedroom that isn't always occupied. A piece like that should be out where it can be enjoyed. It is gorgeous. Husbands are something else, aren't they?

    1. I will probably most likely use it as a coffee table in the sitting loft :) It does definitely need to be displayed

  3. That is a lovely table for your home. Let it shine somewhere!

  4. Beautiful wooden piece. Enjoy it!

    1. it is pretty neat and unique. I think it would be fun to learn how to do the wood burning. Even before we met this guy, I had watched some you tube videos on it with people making signs and such and thought it looked like a fun hobby.

  5. Love the bench. Hope this comment will post.

    1. thanks :) is my blog having problems with allowing comments?

    2. I've been having trouble commenting on a lot of blogspot blogs. They come up as not secure. Frustrating!
