Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Movin' in/Movin' up

Ok, is this weird? it's like we are scared to move in! haha! It doesn't seem real. I know there are no permits or inspections required by our county, but I wasn't sure if we needed some "final" approval by the bank to move in or what. They said nope - go ahead and move in. We are going to need help with the heaviest stuff, though. My back will go out, if I do anything too heavy and DH can't lift some things by himself. I called the moving company who moved us here last August to see if they could help move stuff from the shop over to the house (no truck needed). They do have a 2 hour minimum (which I thought they did) but that is probably about what we'd need them for for just the big/heavy stuff. And if there is time left we still have in the 2 hours, well, then we'll have them move some light stuff too.

It's not something I've verbalized much, but throughout this whole build, even when the stuff I picked out went in, and I see what we designed, I feel like I'm in someone else's house! It has never felt like my house. I don't know how to describe it. Part of me feels like "this is too nice. I don't deserve to have something like this".  Pretty much my whole life I've never felt like I should have anything really nice. I wonder why that is? Twenty years ago when we had our really nice RV motorhome (for about 8 years we owned it), I never felt like I should have something that nice. Part of me feels like all these people that have been in and out, working on the house, it hasn't really felt like it was mine. We didn't have a lot when I was growing up, but we weren't poor. My mom has always been a cheapskate about everything, so I'm sure that is part of it. But, when I go into other people's nice homes (or nice cars) I never think to myself that they don't deserve it. I think wow, they are lucky/blessed/smart/work hard, etc.

Maybe once I've lived in the house awhile, I'll get used to it! Sometimes the whole thing is just too much. The beautiful house and big shop.....the beautiful property........the view of the river!  


  1. OMG! It is beautiful, it is yours and you soooooo deserve it! You and your husband worked so much for this house. You are working two jobs and being careful with the expenses. You have worked many years for this forever home. Come on! Enjoy your beautiful new home.

  2. I felt that way when we redid our master bathroom. It was SO nice I thought it didn't belong in the house. However, it soon became ours.

    1. I love my new master bathroom. I don't think it's going to take me too long to get used to it, too 😊

  3. At first you might feel like you're on vacation at a really nice place. It will take some time for you to accept that you are the owner.
    It's your beautiful home and you do deserve to have it.
    Just keep pinching yourself.
    Maybe you need a good soak or two in that awesome two!!

    1. yes, we just need to get in the house and start living it :)

  4. You've earned it by putting in a lot of hard work! Enjoy it!

  5. It’s called “Imposter Syndrome”, a very common reaction to life going well and things working out. We’re so used to everything being a struggle that when it goes well we assume it’s meant for someone else and we are taking their place by mistake. Take a deep breath; it’s YOUR house! x

    1. that's interesting! I've never heard of that, but sounds about right, haha. It has always been such a struggle, you get used to it being that way.

  6. I hadn't heard of imposter syndrome either. Wow. We were a pretty poor family (7 kids and dad worked at the Rover car factory), so we didn't have a lot but were always fed and happy. And now I get to look out my window at the beautiful scenery and I can't believe I "deserve" all this. When I was home for my brother's funeral I actually said to my sister "can you believe we all got to own our own homes"? And she said no she couldn't. From a poor family living in a slum (it was bulldozed when I was 3) to being so fortunate. But I guess we didn't have it handed to us on a plate either did we - so enjoy your beautiful new house!
