Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Can we just get a break....or do your job right?

Geez Louise! This place is never going to get done. They poured the pad in front of (3 car garage). DH says it turned out like crap in one section, it was hot yesterday, they didn't have enough crew to keep up with it, based on the size they poured at one time. They say the concrete plant sent "old mix" meaning they had 2-3 yards left in the mixer when they got back to the plant and instead of dumping that out to mix our fresh load, they leave it and add it to the new stuff, so it's not as good. Who knows. And now since it "might" rain tomorrow, they want to leave tonight and not finish it, until "another day".

It was nice seeing my mom yesterday, even if it was just for a quick hour and a half or so. They totally got lost! Honestly, I don't know how they could have missed the exit. It's a highway with very little traffic and exits are like 5-10 miles apart, so it's not like a bunch close together to miss. The only thing in between the exits is trees, LOL. Our place couldn't be much more easier to get to. They missed the exit...and the next one....ended up taking the town exit (which I told her was 10 miles too far), so then they had to come back 10 miles. They finally made it. They were both pretty worn out. They've been gone a week. I don't know if the treatments her BF got have helped yet or not. Didn't appear so. He needs a walker and even then doesn't want to walk very far. He just got his walker inside the house and sat down on the seat. Dh talked to him while I gave my mom a tour of the house. She's walking very slow herself.  Part of it is all the weight she is carrying for her small frame and short legs. Makes her steps short. I know she was very tired, too, but I can tell she's not near the energizer bunny she's always been. I always figured she'd be one of those ladies in her early to mid 80's still getting around pretty good, but she just turned 78. My aunt (dads sis) was in her 80's and still worked part time at a Hallmark store, until she got cancer.

I'd say 90% of the reason they got lost is her, LOL. She's so ditzy. I told her to call me when they got past the city and I'd give directions. So, you'd think she'd have a pen and paper? nope. So, I tell her the exit number and start to give directions after that (just two turns after that) and she says I'll call you back when we get off the exit. Then she calls back and says they stopped at a rest stop. I'm like well then you went past our exit! I said call me at the next exit, which they missed and ended up taking the exit for our town, itself. They were sitting at the restaurant parking lot. I'm trying to tell her how to get from there to head back to our place. She puts her BF on the phone. He gets confused. Finally, I said put my mom on the phone and I'll stay on the phone with her while I give directions, until you get here. So, that is working well, they are on the main road out to our place. She's telling me what they are passing. I say yep, next you will pass a meat packing place. For some reason she thought I meant she had turn there or something (even though I had already said you will stay on this road for 10 miles) so she tells her BF "oh, slow down here". I said no...just keep going. You have 6 more miles to go. LOL  After they left, they decided to drive a bit farther and then stop and get a motel for the night. Then they will have about 6 more hours today to drive until they get home.

Right now they are pouring the pad in front of the shop garage doors.But before we can move stuff (easily and with a hard cart or pallet jack) we need the piece poured in between the shop and garage! That way Dh can put the stuff on the cart or pallet jack in the shop and roll it over into the house garage. Can't roll it across dirt and rocks :/


  1. Oh, how frustrating about the pad! You'd think they'd know how to adjust the amount they pour according to how hot it is!

    I'm glad you got to see your mom, even if it was only for a short time. I tend to get lost, myself, unless I look up the directions and write it all down! My daughter bought me one of those navigator things which I can't figure out how to use and she downloaded an app to my phone which I haven't used! I really should learn how to use that app! Did your mom like the house?

    1. You'd think based on the number in the crew and the weather they'd know! My mom doesn't have a smart phone to get the gps even if she did she wouldn't understand how to use it. Though old school pen and paper would have worked, LOL. She did like the house and the colors and things I picked out for it.

  2. I am glad your mom saw your nice new home. Hopefully, once you settle in, she can come for a longer visit to enjoy it with you in the summer.

    As for the concrete guys... I do not know what to say... Cannot stand people who don't learn from experience and surely, this wasn't the first time they ever poured this concrete.

    1. that's all they do is concrete - seems like they should know what it takes. I'm hoping to get my mom back (maybe she can just fly over) for longer visit once we get moved in.

  3. My first thought was "gps" but looks like that was a non-starter too. But at least they made it. And don't forget - we'll be old one day too!

    1. I knew they didn't have gps, but I was very surprised she at least didn't have something in her purse to write down the directions, because she certainly wasn't going to remember them when she hung up with me!
