Monday, May 13, 2019

Another week in the works

I've been trying to finish and post this all morning and keep getting distracted.

I hope all you mom's had a nice Mother's Day. I got a call from DD in the morning and a nice chat. Later I talked to my mom. I get to see her tomorrow, it sounds like! She and her BF are supposed to be coming through our way on their way home and are going to stop in for a quick visit and see the house. It will be really nice to see her, even if it's only a super quick visit.

The weekend weather was beautiful and warm. Saturday the local guy who does our gutters came to finish up the last of it. He's been telling DH he's going to show him how to fly fish (waiting for better weather), so he came back around 6pm. We ran into town earlier in the afternoon, so DH could get a fishing permit at the hardware store. We bbq'd some burgers (and they were edible this time! ha!) and then he and DH took the trail down to the river and spent a couple hours learning to fly fish. DH said he really enjoyed it. They didn't catch a thing, LOL. It was nice to sit on our back patio and have the little bbq.

Yesterday we did a little yard work behind our house. Just raked up all the pinecones and twigs, etc. DH threw them in the burn pile, but will have to go get a burn permit now.

Today is a busy day here, lots of subs. The mason is here. The concrete guys will be here for 4 days. The electricians are coming for their final day of work, as well as the fireplace guy is supposed to come, too, so they can figure out the electrical issue. So far, they haven't figured out the problem. GRRR.... The finish guy is here, too. The electricians usually come at 8:30, so that's when the fireplace guy got here...then electricians texted DH that wouldn't be here until 9:30, so the poor guy had to sit here an hour. He did tell DH that he thinks our home is one of the most beautiful he's seen. Then the mason guy (who was working on another job part of last week) told DH he was working on a house that used to be owned by Hank Williams Jr. I guess the story is he thought he was getting a divorce so he sold it, below market value. Then he didn't get a divorce and wanted the house back and offered the guy double what he just paid him for it. The guy turned him down. Now the guy is remodeling it. Mason said just the fireplace stone was like $46,000. He put in a $40,000 hot tub! But mason told DH that the house is really isn't that nice and he thinks ours is nicer than that. haha. When he showed us a picture of the fireplace (it's huge and looks like marble or something) I thought to myself I'm glad I don't have that kind of money to spend, that's ugly, LOL.

DD spent a bundle and got her hair cut and colored. It turned out amazing. She looked like a movie star :).  She has very curly hair, so it's always been a struggle for her to style. Most of the time she just puts it in a messy bun and calls it good, LOL. The funny part is I guess looking at the picture she shared, her fiance kept saying to her, man you look like your mom. We do look a lot alike, everyone has always said so. My niece posted a picture of her little baby (now about 7 months old). oh my - what crazy curly hair. It so much reminded me of DD when she was a baby, too. So cute.

It's almost noon and the concrete guys still haven't shown up. I'm sure we got pushed out for them to do another job (that came after contracting with us). I sent our  neighbor an email that concrete is going to be poured for a few days starting tomorrow, so unless they want concrete paws.....LOL.


  1. I like the mason guy for telling you that. You have put a lot of effort in the house and I am sure, his comments made your day. Sounds like there are busy days ahead but, now you can see the finish line.

    1. this week and next should be busy, but then almost all of it should be done.

  2. I think it's a good thing for me at least that I don't have the kind of money to just throw at this kind of stuff. I think if you have to save and wait you make better choices. Can't wait to see your finished house - I'm sure it's stunning!

    1. Sometimes money can just go overboard with style and taste, haha.

  3. Sounds like you've a busy week ahead! I'm sure the house will be beautiful, once all the work gets done. Hope all the work proceeds smoothly and they figure out what is causing the electricity to go off!

    1. they didn't figure it out! it won't do it again now. Of course now that they are gone it will probably happen again.

  4. I have been away so long that I have missed everything at your house. I don't want you make you repeat stuff, but what is it with the electricity? My daughter looks exactly me! But, she is beautiful unlike me. I don't know how that is possible.

    1. Last week we lost electricity to the great room and the crawlspace (which has our furnace). The electrician got it working again, but thought maybe it had something to do with the gas fireplace wiring, but they all came out yesterday and couldn't figure out what caused it.
