Monday, May 6, 2019

Weekend update and I canceled Dish

We had a good time at our friends BBQ yesterday afternoon. The weather wasn't great, a bit rainy, so they just set up some tables in their garage, as well as all the food inside the house. It wasn't really a BBQ. She had a big crockpot full of pulled pork for sandwiches, as well as other sides to eat. It was all yummy (and a nice break from our food we've been having to eat). Plus a really yummy cake she made. And we got to take some leftovers and cake home :)  And she made me a dish towel and dish cloth (crocheted) for my new kitchen. So sweet.

The weather is supposed to start getting nice later in the week. Sunny and up in the high 70's. Should be good for the concrete pouring. Having the concrete pads in front of our garage and shop and a connection in between is going to make getting our stuff moved from the shop to the house so much easier when the time comes. DH can put bins and stuff on either his pallet jack or hand cart and wheel over. We may have to call that moving company who moved us here to help for the heavy furniture. They have like a minimum 4 hours I think and that would probably cover it if that's all we have them help with. Hopefully we'll be moving in the next few weeks.

The plumbers just showed up to finish up. We'll have water to the house fixtures today! DH is working on installing all the cabinet drawer pulls. He says it's nerve-racking! I think drilling into the nice wood is making him nervous. Only 65 more to go, haha!

The neighbor dog (one of their son's dogs they are taking care of until July) is having a fit today. He won't stop barking. Neighbor left (must have had a work meeting to go to). I think they are going to have to put that bark collar on him. They were gone Saturday night for several hours and around 9:30, right as I was going to bed, he barked non stop for the next 45 minutes, until they got home. I don't think he's going to be gone too long, this morning, because he let his old dog stay outside the kennel. She just usually comes over and watches whatever is going on at our house and she never wanders off at all.

I guess one good thing of all this delay so far this year is mortgage interest rates keep coming down.

DD is happy. For her business trips she can now fly out of a new regional airport that opened up near her home. It will save her several hours of time each trip.

I received a letter from Dish that my 8 months "hold" service is expiring. I decided to call and cancel. I had thought we had 2 months left in my contract, so would need to pay $40 early termination fee. But apparently I actually had 6 months left on my contract, because I had upgraded equipment at one point during our service. So, I had to pay $120 to cancel. I'm ok with that. That is basically equivalent to a month and half of what I had been paying for Dish service monthly ($83). Now, when we get into the house, we will either just use Amazon Prime and Netflix or maybe get Hulu or You Tube Tv for a monthly feel that is half what I was paying Dish. We'll see how it goes! With all these new live tv streaming services I'm really surprised Amazon doesn't offer that, too.


  1. A constantly barking dog would drive me nuts. My neighbours have a small dog and it yaps constantly - I mean so hard it actually bounces off the floor when it yaps. I guess I have learned to tune it out to a certain extent but it is still miserable!

    1. it is annoying. The neighbors son and DIL seem to do this every year for several months for some "reason". Two years ago they were moving. I can't remember what last years reason was. This year they are putting in a lawn and don't want the dogs on it until July. So, we have to put up with listening to them. Luckily he wasn't gone very long and they've been quiet since he got back.

    2. I'm sure the poor dogs are just stressed from not being in their normal environment.

  2. AT&T has a streaming service called at&t watch tv or something like that. It’s $15 a month and includes a lot of channels. I would switch to it but it doesn’t include all the sports my husband insists on, and our internet isn’t always dependable. My daughter has it though and really likes it.

    1. do you need AT&T cell phone service to get it?

    2. No. It’s free if you have their cell service and $15 if you don’t.

  3. It is so exciting to hear you start talking about "moving"! I am sure you had enough of your "tiny home". I am a big fan of that show but, I cannot wrap my head around living in some of the very small spaces some people pick. I am sure your home will feel like a palace once you move in.

    1. it's going to feel very very spacious after 250 sqft the past 8 months. LOL.

  4. I try to be kind about barking dogs since we have a dog. She stays in the house most of the time so she rarely barks outside at all. Our neighbor has an electric fence and her dog never leaves their yard, but they let him out every morning at 5 and he howls at every thing that moves__leaves, birds, branches. Unfortunately he is on the side of their yard closest to my bedroom window. The upside? We certainly don't need an alarm clock.

    1. We are trying to be understanding too. But, I guess I am a different type of dog owner. I wouldn't ever let my dogs annoy other people. I'm not sure why neighbor's son and DIL even have dogs, as I said this is the third summer they have had to keep the dogs for several months (I remember what it was last year...DIL was pregnant...). I feel bad for the dogs to have their home and routine taken away like that.
