Thursday, October 11, 2018

where's my sun I was promised?!

I'm in the middle of a really good book called "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey. So far it's a very intriguing story of a childless couple in the wilds of Alaska who build a snowgirl and she appears to come to life.

Here's a recent pic of the house construction, from the other day, when the ground got tore up again. A lot is getting done, it just seems really slow, for some reason. Probably because on any given day, there are only 2 guys working on it. We had to go into the city yesterday and met with the contractor to go over his draw request and he said they should be ready to start roofing at the end of next week. His son (the head framer) got back yesterday (1/2 day for him) and when we got back and DH told him what his dad said, he just rolled his eyes. Ya, we didn't think he was that close either. Not sure how contractor would even know for sure, he hasn't been out here in weeks. Let alone the head framer has been gone most of the last 2 weeks.

The backhoe had to dig two holes for the front porch posts and also the ditch for a power line to come in to the front door. DH wants to hook up a switch where we can open the front gate from inside our front door.

Not a good night's sleep. Got woke up around 1am as our older dog needed to go outside. Then later we got woken up to hearing him pacing around. Turns out he had diarrhea in several areas on the rugs. Ugh. So, I was up at 4:30 trying to clean those messes up. Crawled back in bed at 5am and then we both overslept until 7:40. Not sure what is wrong with him. Hopefully nothing serious. I gave him about half his breakfast this morning (he went outside with DH for awhile) to see how he does with it. He's just been staying in the shop with me, snoozing. So far so good. I think I'll wait another hour or so and give him the other half of his breakfast.

I continue to plug away at extra earning via M-Turk. I try for $3 a day/approx $100 for a month. Some days I get less, some days I get more.  One of these days I hope to have more time to invest to figure out how to qualify for more of the hits. The only way, on most days (unless I happen to get lucky and find a good paying one), that I can get $3 is to just keep checking back off and on all day. Something new will be added and they usually get snagged up quick. I transferred $65 to my bank account last Friday and right now I have another $20 earned. I put the transferred money into my old checking account (along with the $200 bonus I got, recently) and will use it to put towards DD's wedding dress. We are going looking when I visit her in 2 weeks. Hopefully I can transfer another $50 into there from earnings. Right now I have $341 in the account and am hoping to have $400 by the time I visit her. If she doesn't find a dress then, I'll just keep saving.

It's supposed to be totally sunny today. I see no sun. Just overcast and it's almost noon. I'm ready to see some sun again.

I had to order DH some Casoron weed killer. This is his "go-to" stuff he likes to use and boy is it expensive. He wasn't quite sure how much he'd need. One 50 lb bag for sure, probably two. So I ordered 2 $203 each! But, I guess in the grand scheme of things spending that once a year is still cheaper than hiring a lawn service company to fertilize and weed (like our neighbors use). And good news, DH was able to get all he wanted covered with one bag this morning, so he is able to save the other bag for next time.

I was texting with my old neighbor friend the other night and she says she uses the Walmart pick up order service. Orders online (even fresh food) and then goes into the city and picks it up. She said it's working great and she hasn't been disappointed yet with the service. Once I have a real kitchen again, I am going to try this out. What a time saver not to have to spend 45 minutes or so walking around the store with a heavy cart trying to stock up. And then having to load it all into my car myself.  


  1. I read The Snow Child a few years ago on my sister's recommendation. It's very moving isn't it.

    1. I hope to finish it today. So far I am really enjoying the story.

  2. Hey, I got your sun. It was brilliant and came with blue skies. Sores will load heavy things around here. You said you decided not to build a fence all around your house, so why bother putting up a gate in front?

    1. it must have heard me complaining, because the sun came out right after I posted. We are doing the fence on 3 sides, up to the edge of our steep river bank. Like DH said "well, I already put in the big gate piers, LOL." It will work good for our dogs, to not rush over to neighbors, barking and tail wagging, when they come out of their house.

  3. No signs of the sun in my area either. Today everything was white again. Still too early for snow. You are doing much better with M-Turks than I am. I need to get back on the wagon!

    1. Some days are hard to get motivated, especially when I've been trying to find a hit all morning and can't.
