Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Catching up: Last day and heading home (Sunday)

In talking with DH, the roofer never showed up, as he then said he would on  Saturday. It had rained a whole bunch of Friday night. But Saturday was nice and sunny and would have been a great day to at least get the paper on, so the rain can't get inside the house.

Got a message from SIL that her daughter had her baby overnight. A perfect little girl. I guess she got MIL's neighbor to come and stay at the house with MIL, so she could be there for the birth. With FIL in the hospital (different one than birth) someone has to be with MIL. I don't know why DH's brother and his wife, who were staying nearby, couldn't have done it.

In messaging with SIL, I asked her how her dad was doing. I guess he took a down turn on Saturday afternoon. Got dehydrated and such. And MIL, with her dementia, was a handful. She's obviously over tired and stressed, so it's much worse. SIL said she thought security was going to call the cops on SIL because MIL was screaming and throwing a fit that she was being kept from her husband or something. I'm not sure what night it was, must have been Friday night or Saturday morning, but SIL said she cautioned her mom about her oxygen cord or something and her mom threw a fit, called her names and slapped her. I guess at about that point she was texting my DH, saying she can't do this anymore!

With my flight out in the afternoon on Sunday, we really didn't have time to drive to the hospital again.  DD and I went out and did some shopping near her house Sunday morning. Went to Ross and she found a couple new tops and two new cardigans to wear to her new job. She also found a cute wall clock that was only $15, for her family room. Then we went to Kohl's. In the back of my mind, I thought, if DD finds something there (and it's in my budget) I'll just get whatever it is, as an early birthday gift to her (birthday in a couple of weeks), so then I won't have to go shopping and ship something over to her. We were walking by some essential oils with lighted warmers and she mentioned she's been wanting to get one of those, so I bought it for her birthday. She reminded me to look for a Kohl's coupon before we paid! So, we got $10 off and 20% off and birthday present given.

I had tried to check in my flight and print my boarding pass the night before. It looked nothing like the boarding pass I printed to fly over. Weird. Since I had to access my flight from my phone (where I had done it from my home desktop for first flight) it then had an option to save to phone wallet, but it wouldn't save. Plus there was this "TSA precheck" printed on the boarding pass. I'm like what does that mean. DD didn't know either, since I don't have TSA precheck status (not going to pay $85 when I only fly once a year or less). I then downloaded the airline app and got my boarding pass again and this time was able to save it to my phone wallet. I googled what the TSA precheck meant and I had received a complimentary pass. Nice! Especially since I was flying back from a very busy airport.

Since you never know how bad traffic is going to be, we gave ourselves enough time so that I would get there at least an hour before boarding started. We actually got there an additional 15 minutes early. The TSA precheck line was awesome. No wait at all. Just scanned my boarding pass and showed my ID. Went to a special lane and set my purse and travel bag on the rollers and walked through the old type of scanners. No shoes required to be removed. It was quick and easy.

My flight actually left about 10 minutes early, we caught a tailwind and the whole flight was only an hour. My airport here is small and super easy to navigate and within minutes I was outside where DH was waiting at the curb. We were almost home by the time my flight was originally supposed to land.

The roofer had finally showed up Sunday afternoon (good grief).  It was raining. They were soaked. One of the guys he had with him was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants. Roofer asked if we had a heater in the shop and DH said yes...then he said well, worker can just go in by the heater and dry off. DH said, no, that's not happening. That is our living quarters/bedroom area. Then he wanted DH to pay for a motel room! (because they were coming back Monday morning) DH said no.

The ground around our house and shop was practically flooded, it rained almost 2 inches. For awhile there was a huge deep puddle all around our door into the shop. The ground actually sunk out in front of the door about 6 inches, so DH will have to add more fill.

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