Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Catching up: Dress shopping day

Saturday was our day to go wedding dress shopping. We were driving all the way down to where my mom and DD's future MIL lives. Almost an hour and a half drive. Since hearing about FIL, we decided we'd better stop by the hospital he was at (about halfway between DD's and where we were heading) and see him.  We got there around 9:15am. DH's brother and his wife (that live near us) had driven over the night before and had just arrived, too. When we were there FIL was doing really well.  Very talkative and sitting up. We stayed about half hour or so.

Then we left and went to my mom's. Visited with her and had lunch at her house. We were going to the mall to David's Bridal, but had to go pick up future MIL, which was opposite direction about 15-20 minutes. We gave ourselves an hour to get to the mall from her house- which should have taken about 25 minutes.  Took us an hour and 15 minutes! God, I do not miss that awful traffic over there. An hour and 15 minutes to go 20 miles. We were about 15 minutes late for our appointment, but I had called and let them know we were close. We were literally about 1/2 mile away when I called and still took 15 minutes by the time we got there and found parking.

She had picked out a couple of dresses from their website she wanted to try on, and the lady helping also brought several others in similar style. She tried 6 or so on in total and of course ended up picking out the first one she tried on, LOL. Of course she looked beautiful in all of them. Of course myself and future MIL cried when she said "this is the one". My mom is getting older, I can sure tell. In her younger years she would have been all into it. Her forgetfulness and age is starting to make a change in her, I can tell. After the dress shopping we had to drop her back off at her house. So, I didn't really get a long visit with my mom this time, as I would have liked. Our original plan had been to leave my office Thursday afternoon, go spend the night at my mom's and do the dress shopping Friday, but that was before DD got her job offer and orientation date, so we switched dress day to Saturday.

Then we went to future in-laws house. Fiance had driven his truck down and spent the day with his dad, helping him with stuff. His dad has to have hip surgery this week, so isn't moving around too good, because of his pain. We all decided to go out to dinner, for Mexican food.  Future FIL is so much like fiance, LOL. After dinner DD and I drove the hour or so back up to their house - in the dark, in pouring rain. We were both tired by the time we got home.

DD was happy to have found a dress she loved and I'm so glad I got to join in to see her pick it out. I paid for her dress, which was $450, so not too pricey. I had almost $400 from my side job bonus and M-Turk earnings, so contributed another $100 (with sales tax)........when I opened the mail this morning there was a surprise $100 check from our construction loan bank. Something about a refund on our inspection fee.

The lovely dress:


  1. I love the dress. Very elegant. Sounds like you had a good time with your DD. Nice!

  2. Beautiful dress. I'm sure your daughter will be a stunning bride!

    1. The wedding day will be here before we know it!
