Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A visitor

We just had a surprise visit by our banker lady, to come and and see the project. She said she likes to take time out to try and do that with all the construction loans she does. She was pretty much just in awe of it all: the property, the scenery, the house. She especially loves the rockery work. A couple of times she said "it's all just perfect". She also said this is the nicest one she's seen.  Plus she knows our builder and his sons (who work for him) pretty well. They all live in the same community and he built her house, too. I was telling her about my "4 seasons" drone photos of the river I have now and she wants to see them, so I will email them to her. I said I'm thinking of having them printed and framed and hang somewhere in the new house.

I remembered I still have $5.71 in Walmart savings catcher $ to use up. I haven't ordered from Walmart online for quite awhile.  Been using Target or Amazon. I see you still have to really watch the Walmart prices and I really don't like how they also have so many other sellers listed now. I'm not looking to buy from other (usually much higher priced) sellers. I'm looking to buy from Walmart. Makes shopping online there a bit frustrating. But, I ordered a few things, to get to $35 free shipping and got my $5.71 credit used.  I've had Walmart ads show up in my Facebook feed that has something that looks interesting (decor or something) and I'll click on it and it's not really even being sold by Walmart - it's through a 3rd party seller and the dresser will end up being like $500 or something. That's not Walmart priced! LOL.

My neck is feeling better and better the past two days. I spent a lot of time stretching it the last few days. Today is more of a base of the neck dull headache, but that's much better than feeling like a pinched nerve.

Our old dog is driving me nuts,  haha. It's too cold outside for him, so he keeps wanting back inside the shop. But as soon as I let him in, 2 minutes later he wants back out. It's still cold out, buddy! He needs a sweater.