Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Getting ready

Well, the house roof system/trusses and sheeting are all completed. Ready for the roofer to come. He is supposed to come today to get started. It sounds like he will be laying the paper next couple of days. Then he has to go do another job already scheduled, and then will be back to start putting on shingles. Hopefully he actually shows up today (you NEVER know with these subs) because rain is supposed to be back on Friday. After today, it sounds like the framing crew will be down to 2 guys. They still have fascia to put up, one end gable to sheet, a stairway to build inside and both front and back patio covers. So, still lots for them to do.

I just realized my car tabs are due! I didn't even get a notice in the mail. I think I did last year, to renew them. I think I am missing mail since we moved. I hardly get anything in the mail, not even  very much junk mail. I've changed my address with probably 99% of who I could think of. But not stuff like our car registrations and voting...figured the ballots would get forwarded, but haven't received those yet either. I just figured out how to pay my car tabs online.

So, I started writing this and then got busy with other stuff.  It's almost noon and no roofer. HA! big surprise. Let the fun of subcontractors begin.  But, on a good note, windows are just now being delivered.

Tomorrow I board a plane and take my little trip. I just printed my boarding pass. I remember last time I flew I printed it from home, but when I tried to check in, I had to go over to a kiosk and reprint it, because apparently I didn't capture all of it on the paper. This time I printed it landscape, so I am hoping I am good to go this time.  Not that this little airport is busy at all, but it would be nice to do it all right this time, LOL.  DD is picking me up at the airport and we then only have to drive 6 miles to my new office.  My boss is going to take us out to lunch, so that will be nice. It will also be nice to just be able to get off the plane and walk out to be picked up, rather than having to take a shuttle over to a car rental place and do all that. I'm just taking a carry on bag, so no waiting on that.  It's kind of funny with this smaller plane. You have a carry on bag, but then as you are walking (outside!) to get on the plane you drop your bag on a cart, that ends up going underneath, anyway, LOL. Then, when  you get off the plane, the cart is waiting and you grab your bag.  The bag I'm taking should be easy to spot. It's kind of a blue paisley print overnight bag.

So, you probably won't see another post from me until next Monday


  1. Hope you have a nice trip!
    I don't think they are sending out the little reminders for license plates anymore. None of us have gotten any. I also don't think they will forward your ballet. Makes sense since people could have moved to a different voting district.

    1. I guess I'm just used to where we lived before, haha. License plate renewals sent out about 6-8 weeks prior and when we moved here, our old state/county ballots got forwarded, to this state, LOL.

    2. This is the first year we haven't gotten a renewal for license plates and I don't like it. We were late with all of them this year. Luckily they don't charge a late fee unless maybe if you are really late.

  2. Do your plates get renewed with your birthday? That's the way my state does it. Happy birthday, now pay us some money! When I was working my office job, I handled a lot of absentee ballots. They never got forwarded as the address had to match what was on their application to vote.

    Enjoy your trip!

    1. No, the plates just get renewed on the date you first licensed it

    2. I like your state's system better than what we have. All of our auto tags (we have three vehicles) are connected to my birthday. We get hit with close to $500 every December. :(
