Monday, October 15, 2018

Sunny productive Monday, along with some excitement

While it's very cold, at least the sun is out and no rain is expected for at least the next week and a half. The crane guy showed up this morning to set the big beam that runs across the peak of the roof, across the great room. Most of this beam will be visible in the ceiling. And now with that set, they can finish getting the rafters in and sheeting for the roof.

I started the morning off with 5 quick M-Turk surveys and have $6.75 today, so far. One paid $3 and was supposed to take 30 minutes. I timed it and took me 10 minutes.  It was interesting. A new survey showed up, but when I clicked on it I got the message that there were no more of these hits available. I get that quite often, but this time I clicked on the hit (a $2 one) a second time and then I was able to do it. I'll have to try that more often.

OMG - lots of excitement just happened. I heard dogs yipping like crazy. Look out the door and see the framer's tiny dog running off with something huge in it's mouth! It was a packrat. Apparently our black dog has been fixated on a pile of lumber all morning. DH went to see what he was trying to get and the rat ran out of the lumber. The dogs gave chase. Through the house, around the patio, back in the house and it came right through the laundry back into the garage where DH was still standing and went between two pieces of plywood setting up alongside a wall. DH held it between there, where it started to climb up, so he wacked it with a piece of wood, dead. The tiny dog grabbed it (this is when I looked out the window) and took off running as fast as she could. It was almost as big as her LOL! Her human dad got her to bring it to him and in the garbage can it went. We are so getting a cat or two when this house is done, LOL.


  1. I know rats are a part of nature, but they are a part that really does creep me out>

    1. Pack rats aren't as creepy as regular rats, as they have a tail like a squirrel. Kind of like a giant mouse with a fluffy tail!

  2. I've been doing some M-Turking today as well. Been a good day as, thanks to some HITS with larger payouts, I'm up to almost $10.

    Exciting to see the big beam going in! I'm glad the house continues to move along. As for the rat, eewww! Just be sure to get a good mouser. I often joke that our cat is a vegetarian as it has zero interest in catching anything...other than perhaps a stray sock that didn't find its way into the laundry. Lol

    On a side note, have you ever checked out the website "Great River Door Company" Their work is pricey but also amazing! Go on their FB page and scroll down to the picture dated July 16, 2015. I read in the comments the price being $6K. I also like several of their moose doors. Guess I'll need to up my M-Turking if we are ever to afford one. Lol

    1. I'm up to $8.45 today, it is a good day. Those doors are beautiful! I love the bear ones on their website. I'd have to win the lottery to get one of those, haha. Some people are so talented. I can't draw or paint at all, but the other night I had a dream where I suddenly realized I could sculpt animals out of clay, LOL.

    2. I'm not artistic or crafty either. I actually paid a lady (prior to getting on the get-out-of-debt wagon) to make me a quilted moose wall hanging and also a quilt for my bed.

    3. Nice! when we were at the big annual flea market last May we came across a guy who carves out of logs. He had the neatest bear, about 3 ft tall, who was fishing. If it recall it was $200. We kept his card, so we could get one of those from him when the house is done to put on the edge of our back patio.

    4. I love those carvings! Very cool! I've bookmarked Great River Door Company for later. I see that they also make signs, etc. I'd eventually like one for our driveway. Hopefully it would be waaaaay less money than one of their doors. A girl can dream. Lol

  3. We built a house in eastern WA several years ago and one thing I am extremely grateful for is the fact that the house is rodent-proof! I think that is easier to accomplish when you have a slab instead of a crawl-space. But anyway, we're in a similar type of area with pack rats and mice galore and we've had a big problem with mice trying to get into our vehicles but so far no mice in the house!! I hope you have the same experience. I am constantly seeing people on the local bulletin board looking for a "barn cat" (translation: we have a mouse problem!!)

    1. we have the crawl space. The folks down at the end of our street who are building did a slab. We had the mice problem when we first moved in the shop and DH set traps and caught 4 and haven't seen any since. But that pack rat is huge! I've been wanting a cat (or two), so will be getting them after the house is done. I see people with kittens to give away on our town facebook page all the time.

  4. Yuck rats! I frequently leave my garage door open (which leads down to my basement) - the neighbours' cats often go down there so I'm happy to let them do what nature intended! The house looks just lovely too - it seems like it's coming along at the rate of knots now!

    1. our neighobrs leave their garage door open a lot. In fact, it's been open all day. I think she left for work and forgot to shut it. DH doesn't like to leave the shop garage doors open, just for that reason. So, "the rate of knots" I've never heard that phrase before! an English one? :)

  5. Find a mother cat with kittens and take them all. Maybe you can find a pregnant cat. If she hunts, you will have a pack of hunters. Don't forget to have them fixed. You could even give some away if you have too many. The neighbors will thank you.

    1. oh no. That's too many cats for my budget! Just one or two cats is all I want or need, LOL.

  6. Yuck-rats. We had a pack rat in our greenhouse a few years ago. I had never seen one before, and we haven't had another one since. We do have a barn cat and he catches a lot of mice, but I don't know if he'd go after a big rat. I agree with you though. I'd be getting a couple mousers too.

    1. I was wondering that too, the pack rats being so big, but our dog (the chipmunk hunter LOL) sure had it staked out. Between dogs, cats and DH they can get' em haha.

    2. My husband shot ours with my pellet gun. I highly recommend getting one. I only used it once to shoot a muskrat that was attacking my dog through the fence. I just fired and fired and fired til it finally died. I had called my husband to come home but decided I couldn't wait til he got here. Living in rural Montana you just never know what's going to show up lol. I was pretty proud of my first, and so far only, kill lol

    3. Haha! I'd be proud too. I think we have a pellet gun that was our son's when he was a kid. One our our friends from town likes to shoot gophers, haha.

  7. I would have been mortified. I had a run in with a rat in a barn once, and I am still scarred! Something about their thick tail and the way they move compared to field mice that freak me out.

    1. I've seen mice and rats. I've never seen a pack rat before - they are as big as squirrels! I try not to think of them getting inside, haha!
