Monday, October 8, 2018

Weekend update

The weekend was half good, half "bleh". Friday night and most of Saturday it rained. It's not a fun thing to see all your house sub floor all soaking wet. Supposedly it's "ok" for OSB board to get wet, for awhile anyway, so we're just trying to trust them in that. It stopped raining in the afternoon and was nice and sunny yesterday and it all seemed to dry out well, actually. Except for one piece up in the bonus room above the garage. It kind of looks a  mess and they will have to replace it.  We/they will still have to address the mold that started underneath the house, in the foundation. DH said it's just the floor joists that is wet - the gravel is still very dry and dusty.

DH got up into the shop attic crawl space yesterday to take a look, since the vents just got installed Friday. He said it looks fine, so that was a relief. He also took the temperature up there. According to experts (and Bob Vila website haha!) the attic temp should be at or near the outside temp (and not more than 20 degrees difference). The temp up there was exactly same as outside, which means the vents are working. Our inside the shop temp was 70, so that tells us the insulation is holding the heat well inside the shop itself, just like it's supposed to be doing.

Our head framer is still off - he got married on Saturday. I'm not sure how many more days he's off (they didn't go on honeymoon) but the other two are here working. We got to see some pictures of his wedding. Looks like a sweet country outdoor wedding. Adorable cute bride.  They had asked DH if he would come with his drone and take some video and pics during the wedding. But, in the end DH didn't. First off it was mostly raining Saturday (though looks like they got a break for the ceremony) and second off DH reminded him how actually noisy the drone is with the buzzing noise. Especially for him to get down low enough for good video.  Dh felt it would would be too distracting for the guests and they realized that was most likely right.  Not to mention, DH wasn't really that comfortable with the thought of using his drone for a wedding, haha!

Our next door neighbors are out of town for the weekend. They have a woman who comes and feeds and checks on their dogs in the early evenings. Well, Saturday evening (after she left) DH heard something outside and looked out and realized one of their dogs was outside their dog pen area. This is their biggest goofy dog. DH went out to put him back in via the gate and try to figure out how he might have gotten out. He's never gotten out before and DH never did figure it out. He said poor goof was scared and happy to go back inside. The only thing we can think happened was he got outside while lady was there to feed and she left?

DD and DF took our their new camper trailer for camping this weekend. Lots of neat pictures sent by her and their dog loved it. She has a bit of vacation time to use up before her last day, so she took half day Friday, so they could get out of town early. She's got two more weeks at her job and then will start the new one a few days after that.

Interesting. I stopped doing Swagbucks a few weeks ago. Now I am being bombarded with emails from them. LOL. I rarely got emails from them before. So, I went in and deleted my account. The only thing I was earning on was online purchases and a penny or two a day from daily poll and maybe get something for a search. The rest was too much work to earn pennies. So, now I'm just using ebates for any online purchases. The rest of my effort to earn online money is now with M-Turks. I'm still not where I'd like to be with my daily goal for M-Turks, but it's much easier to earn then Swagbucks, that's for sure. I only wish with M-Turks that hits were more available on a constant basis. I'd like to say "ok, I have an hour to work on this" and then make a few bucks. But, it seems to be I have to constantly check for hits all day long and hope to find some.


  1. We were at my step-niece's wedding last summer when a drone (hired by the bride and groom) came up from behind (during the ceremony). Everyone heard it and turned around and stared up! It flew up the aisle, overshot by about twenty feet, then turned around and flew back. Maybe if we had all been warned we could have pretended it wasn't there, but I'm sure the tape looked ridiculous - a hundred people craning their necks to see what was making that noise.

    1. What do you do on M-Turk? I have been doing transcriptions (although I haven't done any for a while). It's quite a lot of work for not much money though isn't it.

    2. Bobbie - that's what DH was thinking would happen too! Too distracting to the wedding.

      Anna - I haven't tried transcriptions yet. Once I have my own office room, where I can listen easily, I might give those a try. I just mostly do surveys. I just search for any hits I'm qualified for and sort from highest paid to least paid and pick from there.

  2. Glad everything that got wet is drying out! Or at least most of it is.
    Good luck with your new money earnings. I tried Swagbucks but I am not in the demo they are looking for.

    1. I'm rarely in the Swagbucks survey demo. But, I really hated spending several minutes answering a bunch of questions and then be told I don't qualify. Annoying! At least M-Turks does not do that.

  3. Haha. Sounds like we use the same experts. Lol I don't personally do anything with Swagbucks anymore either. The only reason I even bother keeping the account open is that I have a referral who earns me about a dollar or so per month. I have no clue who she/he is but a bucks a buck. Lol M-Turks is now far more lucrative for me.

    1. I think I need to figure out how to qualify for more M-Turks stuff

  4. I got all my points by doing a search. I type very fast, so I just moved from one search to the other. It was Christmas money.

    1. whenever I tried to do a bunch of searches to see if I could hit on any points awarded I'd get a message saying I had entered too many searches :(
