Thursday, October 18, 2018

Thursday this and that

Bits of this and that:

3 close by gun shots at 4am this morning. Who would be shooting in the dark at 4am? LOL. DH said it sounded like a "22" so they couldn't be shooting at anything too big.

Now a good friend's FIL just passed away. Another nice man I knew. He ran a auto repair shop and the only guy we trusted to take our cars to, when we needed repairs.

The excavating guy we use said if he ever builds a house he's going to steal our plans ;) He came yesterday afternoon to prep for our front porch concrete and also prepped the pad in front of the big tall shop door.

This morning the head framer says the excavating guy didn't do the front porch pad big enough, it was supposed to be 2 feet outside of the posts. Well....maybe if you would have been here working yesterday you could have seen that while he was doing it..........

It's 28 degrees outside this morning, but supposed to get to 65 degrees today. Wooo!

Our fence guy recommended an electrician to get a bid from. He came out yesterday. We both really liked him a lot. We are so hoping his pricing his more reasonable. Even his business card says "Our prices won't shock you!"  haha.  He also had some good suggestions.

DH has twice now said "I really like the guy who is building down on the last lot". I still have not met him yet! I've talked to his wife several times, but it's always during the day and he's at work. He was pulling in our street, home from work, when DH and the excavator were out there talking, so he stopped to say hi to them. They are finishing the inside of their home themselves. Ahh to be young again.

My foot just fell asleep for no reason

Yesterday, our black dog (aka the chipmunk hunter) was obsessed with our neighbors little pickup truck they have parked on the edge of their driveway. Figured it must have some critter hiding in the engine compartment. Gave him a call with a heads up. LOL  He said he's had to set traps before (usually a pack rat).

Our yellow lab mix dog needs a winter coat! He wants to be outside all morning with DH and the work crew, but he gets cold, so he's back at the door to come in. Then 5 minutes later he forgets how cold it was outside and wants back in.            


  1. Oh my goodness, what a different attitude we have to gunshots! I would probably have called the cops for that because it just isn't normal here. Like the Pistorius trial - when it was disclosed that he accidentally discharged a gun in a restaurant and the owner just whacked him on the head. Crikey, the whole street would have been closed for days here. It's weird don't you think. I know there are different attitudes towards gun possession in different places but that would have freaked me out because of totally different attitudes towards gun ownership!

    1. we are so out in the country, I knew it had to be one of our neighbors. Plus there's a bear and a cougar spotted recently. We only have a few neighbors that are close in proximity, LOL. Turns out it was our next door neighbor I called last night about something maybe being in his truck. He set up a trap last night. He's up at 3:30 every morning and went out at 4am to find a pack rat in the trap. He shot it, so it didn't suffer in the trap any longer. Chewed up his truck wiring, he said.

  2. I would have called police about the gunshot. there is a time and place for shooting guns!

    "Who would be shooting in the dark at 4 am?" Answer: The person who might come closer in the day or night and shoot into your house or at you!

    1. if we still lived where we used to live, I'd have been scared to death. See above for the explanation of why and why 4am LOL. Knock on wood, but there is really no crime here. We have a total of like 4 sheriffs for the whole big county of 1200 sq miles/4000 people. Where we used to live a house being built would need someone onsite 24/7 if you wanted to protect it from getting stripped. Here the construction crew just leaves stuff, nothing happens to it.

  3. I would freak if I heard gunshots at my house, but we hear them regularly from across the lake when we are at the cabin, and think nothing of it there. It is usually someone firing in the air to shoo the coyotes away from their property. (Across the lake is much more wooded and remote then our side)

    1. That's what I thought too - someone trying to scare off an animal. Who needs a cat when we have our dog to find the pack rats LOL. The people that live down the road about a mile had a cougar on their deck a few weeks ago and it was spotted last week by some fishermen down along the river with a deer it had killed. Just part of life in the mountains, I guess.

  4. I wouldn't think much of gun shots either. With the wolves (major problem), coyotes, bears, fox, moose, etc. in our area, most of my neighbors are armed. Gun shots heard in the night are most likely a protection issue. Especially if you have pets, these wild animals are not afraid to come in very close proximity. Needless to say, I don't go outside much at night!

    1. it's the same way here. One of our dogs wanted out one evening, after dark and I opened the shop door (but didn't turn on porch light). He stepped out and then froze. Then I heard something on the gravel and he started barking like crazy. Think it was just deer, as DH saw prints the next morning in the muddy part where it's dirt
