Saturday, October 20, 2018

Ow, my neck!

I've had a pinched nerve or something in my neck the past 3 days. Good headache to go along with it and can't seem to get it back to normal. Been applying heat and stretching, but no luck. I'm hoping that a couple of days of not sitting at my desk all day (since it's the weekend) will help.

DH has been adding wheel barrows of the gravel mixture to the front entrance pad, where they were short about a foot or so around it, getting ready for concrete.  He also ended up having to dig up his conduit pipes next to the front entrance and adding some pipe to them to set them farther out. He's been busy today. It's nice and sunny out, in the high 60's. I guess DH decided he doesn't want an elk/mountains stamped in the concrete on the front walkway. We're just going to do it like our back patio is - wood stamped with slate stamping on the border.

We have the roofer lined up to come Wednesday and get started. Same guy who did our shop. There was some question on whether he would do it for the price our contractor had in our cost breakdown, but he said he will do it for that price.  The rain is supposed to hold off until next Friday, so hopefully the roofer will at least have it all dried in, like he said he could/would.

I just placed a Target order. Getting low on laundry detergent. Usually we buy in the store, but I decided to just order online this time. They are having a gift card deal where buy 3 cleaning items and get $10 Target giftcard. I bought 2 detergents and one swiffer duster refill. Once I get the $10 giftcard in my email, I'll use that towards the dog brushing chews I need to order.

It's hunting season starting today. Hearing gun shots in the area off and on. I guess the 2 days prior were open hunting only for youths and the son of our neighbors about 1 mile down the road got a buck yesterday morning, across the road.  DH isn't a hunter. He thought he might want to give it a try once we moved here, but decided he just can't shoot an animal. Not that he has anything against hunting, just not his thing.

My niece is due to have her baby girl any day now. Her first and my SIL's first grandchild. I need to get a baby gift sent soon. Maybe I'll see if she was registered anywhere for baby showers and have something just sent directly to her. Oh, well, I see she is registered with Target, so I will take a look through her list :) Baby stuff is so cute.

DD and her DF went camping again this weekend with their new camper trailer. They went with DF's old boss and his wife and a few other couples. DD drove the truck and pulled the trailer AND parked it!  Ya, she's a bad$%$. haha.  I love her confidence.


  1. Can you raise or lower the monitor to improve neck? That stamped front area would have been stunning. I hope there are no stray shots heading your way. That would scare me. Hurray for your daughter. I hope her husband is proud of her.

    1. I wish I knew what is causing it all of a sudden, since my monitors are in same height/position they have always been in. It felt better yesterday, but worse again today. Must be some way I am sleeping, maybe.

  2. Why the change of mind for the elk? I think it would have really set it apart, but hey, it's your house! Lol I was in Target today. Had a business return, and while there, took advantage of their cat litter deal. Kudos to your DD with her driving/parking skills. I never once pulled our camper. In fact, I even avoid driving our pickup. Needed to use it this week as our winter car is in need of some work. My park jobs left quite a bit to be desired...but I did feel pretty tough driving it down the road. Love the sound of the Hemi engine. Lol

    1. DH said he changed his mind "because I'm not a hunter" LOL. I'm like what does it have to do with being a hunter? can't you just appreciate wildlife and have it? LOL. Oh well, the wood plank stamping will look neat, too.

  3. Kudos to your DD! I am glad she now has a new job. Has she started? I could not catch up with reading my favorite blogs just yet. Hope you feel better soon. May be you lifted something heavy or slept in a weird manner. Is it warm enough where you sleep?

    1. She starts her new job next Friday and tomorrow is her last day at old job, so she gets a few days off. It is warm enough where we are sleeping (we were getting to warm, had to turn the heater down a couple degrees).
