Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Catching up: Day Two

Friday DD had to go to her new job orientation really early in the morning. Plus she had to drive about 50 miles to get there. Her actual office she will work out of is 20 miles from their house, next door to the building her fiance works in. But this company is huge and spread out all over the area, so the orientation was farther away. She was out the door before 5am and her fiance was about 5:30. I slept in until about 8 (which was really 9 my time), which was nice. Since I last stayed there, she had put a mattress topper on the guest bed, which made it much more comfortable.

I was expecting to have most of the day to myself, as she did not know how long her orientation would be. (I had no car to drive).  When I went to bed I was going to charge my phone, but there were no outlets available (behind dresser and bed), so in the morning I'm trying to plug my phone in downstairs and it wasn't charging. Realized the cat chewed through my phone cord! I had some coffee and pound cake for breakfast. Got showered and dressed. Played with their dog. Watched a bit of tv and then DD texted that she was done with her orientation already at 10:30 and on her way home. That was nice that we ended up with most of Friday to spend together, then. For lunch I had my leftovers I brought home from lunch with boss. After she got home we went straight to Target and got me a new phone charging cord. I was down to about 7% battery life left. Silly cat.

Got a text Friday afternoon that FIL's heart stent surgery did not go well. His artery perforated in two places and then complications ensued. Blood pressure, etc. They had to put him in ICU to stabilize him. So, he didn't get the stent put in. Poor SIL, she's trying to deal with that (and MIL) as well as her daughter was 2 days overdue to have her baby.  (more on all that in next post)

When DD's fiance got home from work Friday, we chilled for awhile, and then went and got teriyaki for dinner (another food I've been missing). Came back and visited and watched a movie.  They have Youtube tv and were kind enough to add me onto it, so now I can watch some more tv from here at home.

DH kept busy, installing some window trim inside our shop windows. He sent me some pics and it turned out really nice. Roofer still had not shown up yet (was supposed to come Wednesday), so he was still pretty unhappy about that. No one worked on the house on Friday, at all.

It was nice to have a day of relaxing, after the day of traveling.

Up next: the dress :)


  1. The cat is lucky the cord wasn't plugged in! Oh, the things our animals do. Lol Sorry about your FIL. How is your MIL doing with him being in the hospital?

    1. I guess she has chewed through a cord that was plugged in! MIL is not doing well at all - I'll be posting about that shortly.

    2. You would think the cat would learn. Lol Not good about your MIL. :(
