Friday, October 12, 2018

TGIF sun

I got my sun yesterday, finally. and it's nice and sunny (but cold) today. Now they are predicting a bit of snow tomorrow morning, but I doubt it will happen. All next week it's supposed to be sunny and get up to mid 60's. Good for construction.

In order for us to watch a bit of tv here and there, I can log into my mom's Xfinity/Comcast account via our computers and devices. I opened the infinity steaming on DH's computer and set it up, logged in, with a short cut to make it easy for him, so he could watch his news shows when he wanted. Well, I had no idea he still uses his old comcast email we had previously (from 2 years ago at old house). He's always used aol email. But, I guess he still occasionally gets emails via there (notified on his phone) and got one last night he wanted to reply to, but on his computer it was now logged in with my mom's info. Of course he doesn't know his password for his comcast email. Of course it's 10pm and I was already asleep. Of course it's my fault he lost his password list/paper. I tried to reset it, but apparently he had his security question answer wrong. Finally he said just figure it out tomorrow - while he sat and complained about it for 10 minutes. I said I didn't realize he even used a comcast email account.

Sometime during the night (when the dog woke me up to go outside again -he's still having some diarrhea for some reason) I then had trouble falling back asleep. A thought occurred to me that shouldn't there be a way to see all the stored passwords in Firefox? You know, how when it asks you if you want to save the log in and passwords? So, I got up this morning and figured out (pretty easy) how to find all those various website passwords. I was pretty much able to re-create his paper list of passwords (cuz he can't just try to use the same password or two for everything) and got him logged back in.

I'm going to try to give our dog some boiled white chicken and rice for the next day or so and see if that helps him. Otherwise he seems fine. Has an appetite and normal energy. And I have some chicken breasts taking up some room in my tiny freezer, that I probably won't make anything with while here in the shop.

Well, the rest of the afternoon I am off work, so I am going to take a nap.  Sleep hasn't been very good the past 2 nights, so I am in need of a good nap right now.


  1. I hope you put the password list on paper where he can find it! The sun is a great thing to have shining on my day. A gloomy day makes me gloomy.

    1. I did! But it's good to know it's actually on the computer to find, too. I get gloomy too with gray days

  2. Can you send some sun my way? Happy for you, though. Especially with the construction, you need dry weather. Thanks for sharing the picture. The house is really starting to take shape!

    1. the sun doesn't seem to come out until afternoon, even though the weather app on my phone says it's bright and sunny, haha.

  3. Things like that bug you in your subconscious don't they!!! And of course it's your fault he lost that paper! Sending you warm thoughts - it's just glorious here in France it's weird to think others are having rotten weather.
