Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Waiting Wednesday

The carpet guy is supposed to be coming at 1pm this afternoon. I haven't heard otherwise, so I am assuming we're still on his schedule for today. It's a nice sunny blue sky day of 30 degrees or so, so he won't have any issues getting here. I hope he brings the sample with him, just so I can see it in the room. If he doesn't, it's no big deal. It's an extremely neutral color, so I know it will go fine, LOL.

Mom had a bad day yesterday. She called me at 4:15pm and said "did I catch you in bed already?" She had no idea what time it was or where she was. Again, just staying at this place for awhile. I got her situated in that it was getting close to dinner time, but she had no recollection that she eats in the dining room 3 times a day. When we hung up I was still watching the camera and she started feeling in her pants pockets an said "Oh dear, I don't have money to pay". So I called her right back and said "I forgot to mention that you don't need money for dinner, it's all covered in your monthly rent". She said oh, good. I was just looking for my purse. Sometimes when K comes in the evening she has her little girl with her. On those evenings she doesn't help mom get into her nightgown she just lays it on her bed. Well, then it's 50/50 whether she actually puts it on to go to bed or not. I figured with her state of mind yesterday she would not, but she did, at least. And she did sleep all night.

I haven't gotten time to finish up this post this morning. It's now 1:35 and the carpet guy still isn't here and I haven't heard from him. Can anyone do what they say they will do anymore? LOL. I saw him put it down on their appointment calendar.

I don't have much else going on today. Hopefully the guy will show up soon.


  1. I sure am glad you have those cameras set up so you can quickly put your mom's mind at ease. So sad to see her struggle.

    1. It's good and bad - sometimes it has the opposite effect and makes me worry more :/

  2. It is amazing to see how her consciousness/awareness can switch back and forth.

    1. it really is a strange and amazing thing. I have heard/read about it's common for them to have moments of clarity every so often

  3. I sure hope a place in the new home comes sooner rather than later as she does seem to be getting worse, doesn't she!

    1. yes, she sure seems to be progressing faster now
