Saturday, January 7, 2023

Slow and easy Saturday

In trying to incorporate more fish into my diet, on my last shopping trip I bought some frozen/pre-seasoned salmon to try. Each box has 2 fillets and I got 2 boxes. Last weekend I made it for our dinner, along with some rice and it was really good. DH even said he loved it. I'm going to make it again tonight and make sure to buy some more on my next grocery order.

I see on this mornings "mom cam" that the new lady is working this morning. She seems nice and friendly. It's so strange that mom has no memory of these caregivers. One of them can literally walk out the door after giving her meds after dinner and I'll call her and she has no memory they were just there and is always like "who?".

I was so tired all day yesterday. No idea why. I even quit work a whole 15 minutes early, LOL. Plus as the day wore on my right shoulder started aching and it hurt to lift my arm above my shoulder. Again, no idea why. It's a little better this morning. All week my neck has been bothering me. I decided it was time to you my neck adjuster thingy dd got me 2 Christmas's ago. It has really helped before. But I couldn't find it! I thought I remember putting it in my bathroom linen cabinet but didn't see it. Looked around for 2 days. Finally, when I was done working yesterday I decided to look in the linen cabinet better and found it, in the back, under some hand towels. I used it for about 10 min last evening and will do it again today. It already feels better this morning, so that is good.

Being so tired, I just made us some chicken noodle soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Then I went and took a short nap. I didn't really fall asleep, which I'm surprised, but it felt good to just lay down and close my eyes awhile.

I just made myself a little to do list today. I tend to procrastinate and then forget what I was going to do. They aren't major things but do need to get done. So far in tracking my variable expenses I had only spent $31 this month. This morning my credit card shows an Amazon charge for $5.35. How is that possible? I've been using the gift card $. Finally I found that it was a small part I ordered for dh back in December and it's just now shipping, so my card didn't get charged until now. Speaking of Amazon my coffee maker and ipad case still have not shipped. Annoying.

While making my cup of coffee this morning, I noticed there is 2 over ripe bananas, so I think I'll also get some banana bread made today. We haven't had that in quite awhile.

I'm going to be a great aunt any day. Well "half" great aunt. My half sister's youngest daughter is due to have her baby any day now. She's the same age as my daughter. They do not know if it will be a boy or girl, and I love that. Everyone wants to know these days. We chose not to know for our 2 kids  and I liked being surprised. I thought for sure dd was going to be another boy, LOL. Now I'm so glad she was not, haha. DD had asked her cousin if she was registered for baby gifts and I asked my sis if she was, but apparently not. (they are in Canada). I really wanted to send something. Maybe I'll see if there is something I can order on Amazon and have sent to her directly. 

Ok, well time to go check off one of my to-do's. When I got up this morning at 7am I went out and turned the chicken coop light on, just trying to see if giving them some additional light will get them doing some eggs again. Now it's light out and needs to be turned back off. And dh is now up.

Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. When I had our first child we were with an HMO, so no scan, nothing, as I was low risk. So we didn't know what sex it was (boy). With the second I had an amnio and wanted to know the sex. My husband didn't want to know so it was hell trying to keep it to myself. It didn't bother me to know so early into the pregnancy as it just allowed me to fall in love with my little boy that much earlier, but I can understand that some people don't want to know!

    1. I think the only reason I got a scan with my first (also HMO) was because dr thought I might be having twins due to my size and that they ran in both our families. I think when I had dd it was then common to do the ultrasounds.

  2. In '68, '70, and '75, I don't think it was possible to know the sex of a baby. I am not sure I would want to know or not. Well, yes, I would.
    It is amazing what her mind retains and for how long.
    What is this neck adjuster thing? I have neck problems, too, and it would be nice to have a good way to end the problems, even if temporarily.

    1. It's called a "cervical neck traction device". My chiropractor I used to go to for years used one on me every so often and it was very helpful. Here is an example at Walmart:

  3. I didn't want to know with my first, even though I had several routine ultrasounds. As long as the baby was healthy, anything else was a great surprise, and this world holds very little nice suprises. Subsequent pregnancies, including 3 amniocentesis procedures, and I did learn the gender of each, but only one time was intentional. With my last, I didn't want to know at all, but somehow did...can't remember how it slipped. I prefer not knowing. A healthy baby is what I wish for everyone. (Don't get me started on gender reveal parties...I DESPISE those things.)

    1. I'm not getting the gender reveal party appeal either.

    2. Ugh!!! I'm with you both on those. My kids seem to be in a different state of mind than many of their owners, finding it ITT self grandiose to hold the gender reveal parties.

  4. Try a timer for the chicken light. They sell "double" auto timers. I have mine set to come on a few hours before daylight and stay on a few hours after in the winter. I adjust it so they have at least 12 hours of light total. It makes a world of difference in production.
