Thursday, January 12, 2023

The tour

It was a very productive day yesterday and I am glad I ended up making the appointment to tour the memory care facility earlier in the day. Dh went in with me, too. The wait is over - what do you know, they have an available room - 2 rooms in fact, or it might have even been 3! (one was being fixed up, not ready yet). The only rooms available are the ones with a shared bathroom in between 2 rooms. He said the private bath rooms (which they don't have as many of) are like a year wait, which of course we cannot wait. Honestly, at this point I don't think it will make a difference to mom. 

It's a very nice place, nicer/newer than where she currently lives and much nicer than the assisted living place I toured last June. And it better be nice for the monthly cost! But, I had already done my research and expected this. He took us back to where the memory care section is. Fully secure and also has it's own entrance around the block for when visiting. It's kind of an open concept space. A big open area with the rooms on each side, no hallways to deal with. The open area is kind of broken up into areas, dining, activities, sitting lounge. Of course the "studios" are not very big at all, about 20x10 (not including the bathroom). He then said maybe he can show us one of the residents rooms all furnished and decorated to give us an idea, it was next to an available room. The lady was the absolute sweetest and was happy to show us her room. So nicely decorated and homey. She held a conversation quite normally and both dh and I were thinking "she needs to be here?" but like dh said later, 15 minutes later we could have probably went back and she wouldn't have remembered talking to us. I decided to take that room, knowing she'd be sharing a bathroom with someone so sweet, like my mom is sweet. I think they will get along great. Plus the room is down at the back end, so kind of a bit quieter area, where her door isn't opening right into the dining area or a busy area. And the bedroom window view is nicer than the first room he showed us, that looked into the little parking lot.

I think he said there are 20 residents capacity in the memory care part. Each residents care is customized to their needs. He said for example, the lady we saw her room, she has never liked breakfast all her life and likes to sleep in, so that's what they do for her. DH was a little worried about sharing a bathroom/privacy. He said they had one family that was insistent their dad needed a private room and was on the waiting list for one, but came to the point they had to take a shared bath room and then planned to move him into a private as soon as one was available. When it became available they changed their mind and said he's doing fine with it, no need to change.

He also gave me the cards of a moving company that specializes in moving seniors. It sounds like they will take care of so much of it, right down to figuring out what of her current furniture will fit in the new space and getting it all set up. They are also set up with a nearby geriatrician MD who comes in to do house calls. I will definitely switch mom to using this doctor. Incontinence supplies can either be supplied by family or I can chose to have them do it. I chose to have them do it.

Knowing we lived out of the city, he then offered that the lady that does the assessment of the resident prior to moving in could do it right then if I wanted. Perfect, let's get that done while I'm in town, rather than having to make another trip in. He and the nurse met me over at mom's place, which was nice and easy. When I got there she had just come out in to the lobby area after having lunch. I was signing in and waved at her and she waved, but she did not realize it was me, until I actually went right over to her. Once the memory care guy and gal got there we were just able to go sit down in a little room nearby with some tables and chairs and the lady started asking her questions. None of which she could answer or if she did her answer was wrong. If the lady had just gone off of mom's answers she wouldn't even need care at all, LOL.

Moving in will be at least a couple of weeks away, and since I'm out of town for 4 1/2 days in 2 weeks, it's going to be at least 3 weeks out. Just depends on when the movers can do it.

AND UGGGHHH! K just texted me and yet again she has had a bathroom's all just diarrhea and K asked if she's had her colon/bowels checked out before and I said not that I'm aware, not since she moved here almost 3 years ago. She said since she's been caring for her and occasionally sees her have a bm (like shower days) she's now realized her stools have always been very soft or liquid. Something is going on. So, I just called her dr and we have an appt for 3pm. At a minimum get her something to help firm up her stools and also figure out what is causing it.  And schedule a carpet cleaner again.......


  1. I am so glad you liked the place and a room is available right away. I guess since they have only 20 patients with memory problems, they can take good care of them tailoring their services around the preference of the patients. Will you be able to install your cameras in your mom's new room? Sorry for the bathroom accident but, at least you now know she may have an issue and it can be taken care of. Talk about blessings in disguise.

    1. I didn't ask about the cameras. I'm not sure I will want/need them, we'll see. The reason I got them was so I could see how she's doing on her own and be able to see her when I had to talk her through taking her meds, etc. I don't think I'll need them at this new place

  2. I am glad you finally got the tour. I would hate to share a bathroom. Do you think your mother will think she steals from her. I don't mean to borrow trouble, but I hope the friendliness of this woman is not a problem. Time will tell, I suppose. It is good that they don't force that woman to attend breakfast. I have fears of anyplace I might need to go that they would try to force me to do things I have never I hope she can get out before she has more accidents and needs more carpet cleaning!

    1. I really think at this point with her memory/cognition level she's not even probably going to realize she is sharing a bathroom. But, I really don't have much choice, other than to try to take a private room when it becomes available at some point. Memory care facilities are few here and even if she was in a smaller place, like the one K wanted me to get on her list, she would not have had her own bathroom.

    2. I always joke with my kids that if they ever put me in a home, don't let them make me play bingo!

  3. I don't think a private bath is a deal breaker. Your mom will probably be assisted most of the time, eventually, anyway.
    It does sound like your day was successful. You will feel some relief once she is moved. You will feel a peace of mind.:)

    1. it's not a dealbreaker to me. At this point she has to have memory care, so it is what it is. I can't wait to feel the relief!

  4. Well I am so glad it was productive and you can move her in soon. Another accident, poor heart. I wonder if it's just her diet meaning she has no solid stool? EIther way I am glad you got her in for today!!

    1. it will be interesting to see what the dr says. I mean her diet is pretty much not changed I wouldn't think. They all eat the same meals there. I'm sure as usual with dr. appointments, it will just be an "I don't know - here try this med".

  5. What a relief that the wait is almost over. Good how accommodating they are for their residents.

  6. I’m so glad you can get her moved in. I think with memory care units tailored to the residents, you wouldn’t need to have a camera on unless you are worried about her not being cared for. You need a break from having to monitor everything. My oldest daughter who is now an RN worked as an aide at a memory care center, night shift. She said a lot of people stay up all night, maybe days and nights mixed up, but she always took in cookies and things for them. Hope it works out. Joyce

    1. I really do need a break from the monitoring. I think it wears on me without me even realizing how much it does. Your daughter sounds like a very caring nurse!

  7. Anne Brew
    The memory care facility has come along at just the right time. Well done for your perseverance in getting it sorted. I imagine it will be expensive but it sounds very suitable for her needs now.
    You’ll miss K I think? x

    1. I will miss having K, but I won't miss the texts she has to keep sending me because of all of mom's current problems going on :(

  8. After a 3 month rehab due to a fracture, my mom went from living alone, to needing full time care due to dementia. The dementia had worsened significantly & we think it was due to having little mental or physical interaction with others, due to Covid rules & restrictions.

    After 2 weeks of staying with her, we found a 6 resident Board & Care that she qualified for. DH went to check on it as I couldn't leave her. He said it was just what we needed. It was close to our home, in a large house & had 3 live-in caretakers & other caretakers/activity people who came in daily. She shared the master bedroom with another lady & shared an en-suite bathroom, but she never seemed bothered. We too, paid extra to have them handle her incontinence supplies. I feel sure that once your mom is moved to the memory care facility, the cameras will not be needed.

    As for my mom, the intake doctor thought she could be there several years as she was basically healthy, but it was only 25 days before she passed at almost 94. She had been asking to see her cat & we had permission to bring him in, as long as he was on a harness. We think she waited to see him one last time, as she passed in her sleep the next morning.

    1. oh, your poor mom! I really don't think my mom will probably even realize she will be sharing a bathroom

  9. Forgot to say that your mom having some of her own furniture will make it seem like she is still "at home". & should make it an easier transition. Where we placed my mom, they would have allowed it, but she was past knowing what belonged to her. We just brought some of her clothes, a picture of us & one of her cat & that was it.

    1. That's what everyone says, but she really doesn't even seem to realize her own furniture. She has a couple of pictures I will set up in her new room for sure.
