Sunday, January 8, 2023

Getting to-do's done

My to do list yesterday ended up with 7 items. 5 actually got done, 1 got "deleted" and one still needs to get done. The 3 main things that did get done were I washed our sheets, cleaned out my fridge and cleaned out the litter box (dumped out all the litter and added fresh). The one I deleted was making banana bread. I looked at the recipe and it called for 2 eggs....well I only have like 3 eggs left and have not gotten any eggs from my chickens in at least 2 days. I probably won't be going to the store for 2-3 more days. The one still to do is find somewhere to put my new king sized Christmas quilt and the huge tree skirt. For now they are sitting on top of a guest bed, LOL.

I also worked some more on cleaning out some old papers and files from my desk drawers and file cabinets. I'm a "piler", so over time I typically end up with little piles of papers on my desk, then I get annoyed and put them into one big pile and then start new piles. Then when I get super annoyed, or usually want my desk cleaned up quickly for some reason, I'll take the piles and just stick them in a drawer or cabinet under my desk. Friday I went thru a cabinet in my desk. It's really to store the computer CPU unit out of sight, I think, so it's deep and tall. I just have papers and folder and misc stuff piled all the way up. I now have it piled less than halfway in there, throwing out a whole kitchen sized garbage sack of unneeded papers/junk. Yesterday, I decided to look in my 2 separate filing cabinets and see what could go. First I was thinking "I need to buy another filing cabinet". Then I said, no, look and see what you can now dump. Well, I was able to empty out most of one drawer and part of another. For some reason I had kept hanging onto the "employee" folders from all the employees dh had over the years when he was self employed. Their application "packet" and misc papers. Literally going back 20+years and the "newest" being back in like mid 2000's. Boy, their ss# were on so many different pages. We all sure used ss#'s for everything back then. Rather than shred it all (I wasn't in the mood to shred the equivalent of a whole drawer of files) I just went thru the pages and blacked out ss# with a sharpie pen. Into another garbage sack they go and now I have filing space! There was also still several old folders of business expenses from dh's last year of his company. It's been plenty long enough to get rid of those now, way past the 7 years you are supposed to keep tax records. I still have more to go through and a big bin in a closet with papers that can most likely go too. My goal is to get rid of a bag per week over the next few weeks.

Oh good grief - so K has been training this new lady and looks like yesterday we her first day on her own. She was the one who came in again this morning to wake mom up. All's I heard on the short camera clip as she went into mom's bedroom was "oh, maybe we need to just have your breakfast brought up this morning". I'm sure she is fine! 99% of the time, if they wake her up, she will say, as an "excuse" as to why she is still in bed is "oh, I just wasn't feeling that well this morning, so I'm not up yet". It's just something she says, 99% she is not sick. Get her up and dressed and she is fine 5 minutes later. I'm sure being new, this lady doesn't know this, hasn't figured it out yet. So, it's almost 8:30 and I see mom sitting in her chair (she did get her dressed) waiting for them to bring up her breakfast, I guess. If it happens again, I'll have to say something to K, so she can tell this new gal this is just something mom says, out of habit. It's like she doesn't like getting "caught" still in bed, so out of old habit or something just says she isn't feeling well.

And yesterday afternoon I checked in on the camera and was SO confused as to what in the world was going on! Just as I turned the camera on (it also has sound, but not the best if the sound is farther away) mom is walking towards her door. I can hear someone outside her door talking loudly (the elevator is just outside her door). Mom opens up her door and I hear whoever is talking still talking loudly, almost sounding a bit upset, but I can't make anything out. It kind of sounds like mom said something too, then she walked out and the door shut. I could still hear that other woman talking loudly and then a mans voice. Then mom's door opens up (this all happened in like 5 seconds) and she walks in with 2 firemen! Mom is talking, but absolutely nothing she is saying is making any sense so that I can figure out what is going on. Just her incomplete sentences that don't tell me (or them) anything. The two firemen didn't really say anything either except it appeared they may have looked out her living room window. I didn't have that camera view on. Then they left just as quick as they were there. I have zero idea what that was all about. I knew if I called her to ask, it would just be more of the same incomplete sentences telling me nothing. "they were just here....for know...I can't remember what it's called....but...".

Dh stayed busy part of the day putting down the transition strip that goes between the laminate hard flooring and the carpet, in the bonus room. They carpet guy told him to put that down before they lay the carpet. It sure seemed to take longer than I thought it would, LOL, but he got it done. Probably harder because it's actually 3 pieces he had to cut angles into. The flooring just doesn't go straight across the room in one straight line. He has it angling around the bar area.

I went out to the coop again this morning when I got up and turned the light on in the outside part of the coop. I'm really hoping these "longer" days with more light will get them back in production mode. I need some eggs! 3 or 4 eggs a week total, out of 3 chickens ain't cuttin' it! When it got light enough I went back out and turned it off and brought them some old bread to snack on.

We haven't had anymore snow in a week or so, so no opportunity to see if dh is going to stick to his guns and not plow the street all the way down to the last lot where the young neighbors live. It really needs to snow so we can get that over with, one way or the other, LOL. It needs to snow, he needs to NOT plow for them and that's that.

UPDATE: ok I think I may have figured out the reason for the firemen yesterday and mom not going down for breakfast. So, I've been watching the camera to see if her breakfast got brought up (breakfast is from 8-9am) and still nothing. Then one of the ladies that works downstairs just stopped in and said "I'm just checking to make sure you got your breakfast?" Mom says "oh....I think so?". The lady is looking around at her table and kitchen counter to see if the breakfast containers are around as evidence and mom says "isn't anyone getting their breakfast?" and the lady says "well, the elevator doesn't work". oh!! that must be why the firemen were there and also why the new caregiver said her breakfast will be brought up! 


  1. Your theory about the firemen does seem to make sense, doesn't it! And as for the paperwork, I went through my filing cabinet sometime ago drawer by drawer and yes, it's amazing how much you can get rid of when you put your mind to it!

    1. that must be why they were there yesterday afternoon and since mom's apartment is right next to the elevator and she is pretty clueless now she probably told the firemen maybe it's something in her apartment, LOL.

  2. I am a piler, too! I do it just like you I am glad you figured out what the firemen were about.

    Have you tried encouraging your chickens with daily affirmations?

    When I had excess eggs, I froze them in tiny Ball jars. I scrambled two or three or four, according to how I thought I might need eggs, and froze them. Or, you can use plastic bags. It got me through the lean days with fewer eggs.

    1. I tried to save as many excess eggs as I could but have now used them all :( Bought 3 dozen before Christmas, baking and guests breakfast and only 2 of those left now. I always say "hello good girls" LOL and I've been trying to give them a couple of treats per day now

  3. Have you heard of substituting something else for eggs in a recipe? I know there are various ways to do that but the only one I have ever tried is applesauce and it turned out very good! And it just so happens that it was when I was making banana bread. :) The ratio is one egg = 1/4 cup of applesauce.

    1. I have used applesauce in place of vegetable oil in blueberry muffins and it was good, but had not heard of it in place of eggs.
