Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Vacation time at an end

The vacation time is over and it's back to work today. Still working through my week's worth of emails, but almost through them. Thankfully not too bad, as many people were also off. Though first workday of the New Year and the side job's purchaser is already asking for December reports. Um....sorry! Gosh, I'm still getting info in (bank statements, etc) so I can finish it all up, but typically it takes me until mid month to get the previous month finished. And nothings happening for you today, LOL. I have my regular job to get caught up with first and foremost.

I happened to look at one of the cameras on mom yesterday early afternoon. It's the one on the shelf under her tv, also where her cable tv box is. I see her bent over in front the the tv stand, unplugging everything from behind the cable box. LOL. And she's moved the little camera so now it's just facing her door and I can't see her recliner and the cable box is blocking half of what's left I can see, because she left it out near the edge of the shelf. Then she proceeded to turn on her tv. I'm not sure how her brain can think "oh, hey, let's unplug all this and then turn the tv on and see if it works". So, I texted K and asked her to please move the camera back to where I could see her recliner, when she comes to do her meds in the evening, and also it appeared she had laid her digital clock/calendar down on her filing cabinet again. K said she'd be at the facility at 4:30 to start her rounds, so would stop in and fix and she did. I had told her not to even worry about plugging in the cable box, as she rarely watches it anyway and just keeps unplugging, but looks like she did plug the stuff back in.

I got a couple of books read during my time off and started a 3rd one yesterday. 

Do any of you have any experience using a steam type mop on laminate floors? I keep reading mixed things, yes, no, sorta....LOL. I have always hated how this "Bona" floor mop and solution (recommended by the flooring installer) cleans my floors. It's just a mop with a pad and you pour the (cold) solution into the container that attaches and squirt it out to mop. DD has laminate and uses a Bissell crosswave, but those are really expensive and don't steam the water, but apparently she does put warm/hot water in it, so that's why her floors always look so clean. I've read it's ok to use a steam mop if it's on low heat setting and you quickly mop, don't leave the steamed water on the laminate for very long. I just want cleaner floors! But I don't want to damage the laminate.


  1. My Dh is a COO of a major flooring chain. He says you can use steam mops on LVP, ceramic, and vinyl, but not laminate or hardwood.


    1. What does he recommend cleaning with, other than Bona floor cleaner for laminate? Stuff I drip on the kitchen floor, or when we had dogs and they left drool spots everywhere, that mop/cleaner does terrible of getting the spots removed.

    2. Bona I s the only one i know of. Many companies void the warranty if others are used. When he sees commercials saying safe for xxx he says just keep saying that and we’ll keep selling them new floors lol.

  2. The Shark is one of the ones I'm reading does say it's ok to use on laminate and also seems more in my budget. I think I'm going to try getting one.

  3. We replaced our floors with laminate last year and were told to only use water. We do this every second week and they look good.

  4. also meant to ask - which model of Shark are you using?

  5. I used the Sharm Steam Mop on my laminate floors at our old house, in the kitchen and living areas. We sold that hour to a friend and the floors are still going strong, he also uses a steam mop, although not the Shark. Never had any issues with it, just don't sit and steam/spray in one area for too long.

    1. Oops, Shark, not Sharm :)

    2. which Shark steam mop do you use? It appears there is more than one they make.

  6. My DIL had a kind of "tupperware party" but for organic cleaning products and one of the things he was selling was a mop with the water container attached to the handle. They think it's wonderful but I thought it was ridiculously expensive so bought a much cheaper one - which frankly I think is crap, so this week I've gone back to the mop and bucket!

  7. I only had wood floors, so no idea. However, I did get a steam mop that I am afraid to use on Tommy's floor, for fear of ruining them. I call the floors "linoleum" but don't really know for sure. I suppose I ought to try it and see what happens.

    1. When I say "wood," I mean real wood from 1902. I only used water and a bit of ALL on them and they were perfect.

  8. I’ve been using a steam mop on my laminate floors periodically for a couple of years with no problem but a friend recently got laminate floors and said she was so glad she started in a small corner area as it discolored hers! So maybe gently test it out. I find that Dawn dish soap just a little in hot water is the only thing that cleans great, with no streaks but have to do it by hand with a rag (microfiber works best). I just do part of a room at a time. Jre

    1. oh dear! at lesat she only did a small spot. We do have the "waterproof" type of laminate, so maybe that helps some. I know I could def use it on our LVP in laundry and bathrooms and like you said test it out. We have some laminate in 2 closets in the entryway I could test it there for sure. Good idea!

  9. Your next post tilte "What kind of Sharks do you use?"! I had a company come in and clean and they used a machine - hot water inside and it steamed the floors and you let it dry. I think as jre suggested a small test spot works well to start.

    1. that's what I'm going to do - if it doesn't work on the laminate, at least I can use it in my bathrooms and laundry room. I just need to figure out which one to get!

  10. I swear I replied (maybe you haven't approved it yet?). I have a Shark "Genius".

  11. Thanks for the info (and no I don't have my comments sent to having to be approved first)
