Saturday, January 21, 2023

Saturday morning coffee chat

Yesterday morning I messaged the flower lady on Facebook and told her the arrangement was beautiful, as always, and also that her grandson was adorable. She said she figured her grandson and dh would enjoy the chat about the cars. When dh got up, he called the flower shop and talked to her, to tell her what an enjoyment her grandson was. 

We had told him about that "driving experience" we went to in Park City last summer, when you buy a new Explorer ST. He hadn't heard of that, plus his grandma had actually bought hers with 10k miles on it, so she wasn't eligible. One of the dealer employees had bought it, driven it for a few months and then decided to sell it. Grandson said he thinks his grandma wants to order a brand new one and he thought that driving experience we went to sounded so neat. On the phone flower lady told dh she did order a new one (she just hadn't told grandson yet, haha). Dh said did grandson tell you about the driving experience you can go to if you buy a new one? (he had not yet) so dh told her about it and she was like Oh, I should take grandson to that! Dh said yes, he would love that! So, I sent her the link to it. She and her grandson would have so much fun at that. 

Ok, one more week down and less than 2 weeks until moving day. On Wednesday afternoon next week,  I fly out to do the work meeting on Thursday and then stay with dd until Sunday afternoon and fly back home. It will be a nice break to have. I looked at map/driving directions for the time I need to be at the meeting place. It's 47 miles from dd's place but at that time of day says plan for 90 minute drive. Plus I need to give myself time for parking and getting to the place. It's in a mall type place, on the 2nd level and I think all the parking is underground (dd and I went to this mall years ago). I'm going to call the place and ask them where the closest parking is, what street do I access, so I'm not trying to spend time figuring that out when I get there. At least I won't have to leave dd's until around 8:15 or 8:30. Probably 8:30 would be fine. She has the toll lane pass thing on her car, so I'll be able to use the faster lanes to get there. 

I need to get myself some breakfast, it's almost 10am and all's I've had is coffee.


  1. Probably all your flower arrangements from now on, your flower arrangements will be super beautiful, not that they aren't now. I hope your mother has no more bathroom nightmares in the next two weeks.

    1. I am on pins and needles hoping no bathroom accidents. So far so good. Hopefully the Imodium is helping until I can get her moved

  2. What a sweet grandma and grandson! How wonderful that they have such a great relationship. Great idea to check out the entrance and parking location for the venue. Some places are so big that, it is rather confusing.

    1. It's nice to meet a teenager who is so friendly and excited about things and loves his grandma!

  3. Well done to you both for letting that lady know how lovely her grandson is! Credit where credit is due!

    1. I'm sure that made them both happy to hear. (we don't always complain LOL)

  4. The flower lady and her grandson sound just as sweet as can be! I’m so glad you were able to get your mom in a better place for her. I follow along but don’t comment much. Take care! 😊
