Tuesday, January 24, 2023

to do's for mom and me

Yesterday I got another one of my "to-do's" done. I called mom's investment assistant lady to let her know I'm moving my mom into memory care. One to let them know this, and two, I'm going to have to increase what she is withdrawing for the year, twice what her RMD amount is, to cover her now $8000/mo costs. She set me up an appointment with the head guy to plan going forward, and she processed her RMD now, rather than waiting until we usually do it in April (why April, no clue, other than I guess that's what my mom had set it up as, years ago when she had to start taking the RMD). The rest of her "available cash" is in one year CD's now, so I told her that the other half of what I will need to cover her expenses can wait until that first CD matures at the end of September. Her dad is also suffering with dementia and her mom is still trying to take care of him, so she understands what I am going through.

My mom also has a 5 year CD in a credit union that matures in April. So, I'll need to get that closed out and transferred in a couple of months. I tried to call the CU to find out what exactly they will need from me, when the time comes, but of course, got a voicemail. 

I still need to get some laundry done before I leave for my trip tomorrow and get packed. I will do that this evening. I still have to work some tomorrow morning before I leave. Payroll's gotta get done. I've done all that I can to be ready for it tomorrow, so I'm hoping it's going to be a quick and easy one. I want to leave for the airport at noon. That should get me there an hour before my flight. The travel time is considered working time, so it'll end up pretty much being an 8 hour work day by the time I get over there. I need to make a list so I don't forget anything. (I usually forget my phone charger). 

I'll eat some lunch at home before we leave for the airport and my flight leaves at 1:50pm. Usually I have granola bars in my pantry, but I keep forgetting to buy some so I really don't have anything to throw in my purse to snack on. Maybe I'll put some pistachios (no shells) and a couple of oatmeal cookies we still have left in a little ziploc bag and put in my purse. By the time I land I'll probably be a little hungry. The only thing they give on the plane is a drink and like some small cookie/biscuit snack.

I had opted to pay a little extra when I chose my seat and am in their "premium" class, so it's a little extra seat/leg room and early boarding/getting off the plane. It will be interesting to see if it's much different. It's not a big plane LOL. And just as I'm typing this I get a phone notification that I can check in for my flight, so I did that and now have my boarding pass saved on my phone. I keep hoping I'd get another one of those random TSA precheck marks, to bypass, but I have not. 

Dh will be eating sandwiches, cereal and soup while I'm gone. I'm sure on his way home after dropping me off at the airport he'll stop at McD's and that will end up being his early dinner. Same thing for Sunday, he'll either stop at McD's just before he picks me up (so I'll have dinner) or we'll stop on the way home. That'll cover his dinner for 2 of the nights LOL.


  1. It looks like I cannot stay in a nice memory place. I am sure I will be in a hole with my medicaid care. Yikes. I am glad she is prepared financially. Tommy would eat like that unless I left food prepared that he could microwave.

    1. I don't even think my dh would microwave stuff :/

  2. My mil pays 13000 for memory care in Iowa. Makes $8000 sound like a bargain lol


    1. If/when my mom gets up into the higher levels of care, it will probably cost that much. They put her at a level 2 (I think there are 8)

  3. Have safe flights! :)

  4. Travel safe, enjoy your time with DD too!

  5. Have a safe and enjoyable trip.

  6. Have a nice relaxing trip. You'll enjoy your time away, especially time spent with your DD.
    We have little travel-size cheddar cheese chunks here, sealed till ready to use. I find they stave off hunger till you can have a meal. Otherwise like you I like cereal bars.
