Thursday, January 19, 2023

To do's and done's

On my to do list is to call mom's investment guy's assistant to let her know I'm moving mom into memory care. Her annual distribution is usually done in April, but with her costs now going to be $8k a month, starting next month, I'm going to have her do it now. I also am going to need it much more than her RMD, now. Last fall he had put quite a bit of her cash balance into a 1 year CD, so it should be ok for me to take her minimum RMD now and once that CD matures, we can then do another withdrawal for what I'll need for her care the remainder of the year. I also want to make sure all her mail from them goes to my address. I have her set up on paperless statements, but still on occasion they mail something out. Before I call her, I'll do out a budget for the next year and make sure we can wait for the remaining distribution until next September.

When I took out the loan for the Mule/plow it was for 60 months term. Well, I paid it off in 6 months, not 60 LOL. We recently decided to purchase a used pickup truck. It's a 2016 with lots of miles on it, but in nice condition and since we don't drive every day, it will last well for the amount of miles we will put on it. DH's 1999 pickup isn't a "driver" anymore. It's basically one of those vehicles you keep in your garage and take it to a car show every now and then. We need something usable to drive in the crappy weather roads and to haul stuff. This will work great for our needs. DH had tried to find one with a canopy on it, but wasn't having any luck, so he decided to get this truck he found and add on a canopy later. He found out new ones are $4000 so that was going to be down the road. Then yesterday morning he looks on Marketplace and a guy has a used one for way cheaper than new, so he is going to pick that up today. The guy just bought basically the same truck we did (it's a 2015) a few days ago and doesn't want the canopy that's on it. The guys truck is sitting at the airport long term lot as he's getting back from a trip this afternoon, so dh is just going to meet him at the airport and they think they can swap the canopy over to dh's truck between the 2 of them.

I finally, just now, caught up with my mom on the phone this week. I check in on the camera often, but she's been spending a lot of time out in the common area, it seems. I will catch her back in her apartment and before I can call her, she's back out her door, LOL. When I get off work at 4:30 she's usually already left her apt to go down to wait for dinner and by the time she gets back, and the caregiver has been there to help, it's after 6:30 when I can try again. Usually by then I'm tired and so not in the mood to talk on the phone (I hate talking on the phone anyway), so I check in on her via camera and end up not calling. The carpet cleaning got taken care of yesterday. I so hoping no more accidents in the 2 weeks she has left there.

Dh and I have been married 38 years today. Eegads! We are old! We may go out to dinner tonight, we'll see how tired he is after going in and getting that canopy picked up. We do have something planned this weekend that dh set up. Or at least I think it's still planned, haha. On our poor little honeymoon 38 years ago we stayed in a mountain town and took a sleigh ride. There is a couple in our area who have horses and just started offering sleigh rides, so it sounds like we are going to do that Saturday. Well see how it is....I'm not into being cold anymore, haha!


  1. Well done on paying that 60 month loan off in 6!!! That's the way to do it isn't it. And happy anniversary. Either a sleigh ride or skinny dipping I say!

  2. Happy Anniversary!!
    Wow...38 years, fantastic.
    Enjoy whatever you two do :)

  3. I wonder if your mother goes with a purpose anymore or just goes. A sleigh ride sounds cold, but it should be fun. Better than a hay ride.

  4. Happy Anniversary! Enjoy your sleigh ride.

  5. Happy Anniversary!

  6. Happy Anniversary! I have been divorced longer than you have been married.
