Thursday, January 5, 2023

Let's try yesterday again today

A lady from the carpet place called me around 3:30 yesterday afternoon. She said the guy just realized he got busy and forgot about our appointment at 1 o'clock. She wanted to know if Thurs at 1pm would be ok and I said, yes that's fine. She also said she may be coming with him, as she's learning how to do the measuring, etc. I said no problem! LOL. I'm sure now with 2 of them knowing the appointment they won't forget, haha. So, hoping they make it out today.

I did up a little expense tracking spreadsheet for this year. Let's see if I can make it work and actually get all my expenses recorded. I just want to track all my variable expenses and get a better idea what we are spending a month - especially on misc stuff, that half of it probably isn't even really necessary. I also want a better idea of what we are spending a year on house and yard maintenance. So far, 5 days into the year I have only made 2 purchases. One is for a decor item that dd was out shopping, sent me a picture of, and I told her to get it for me. $16.39 (cuz she has sales tax where she is LOL). It's all her fault. I payal'd her the money. She got home with another picture of the cute little copper pitcher sitting on her kitchen counter and said "oh, that looks cute on my counter" I said, you can't have it, I already paid for it, LOL. The other is $4.39 I spent yesterday. Dh got a gift certificate for $50 to an auto detailing supplies store. He wanted to order another of their nice big drying towels. It was $44 and shipping was like $18. Geez! Plus he couldn't get the certificate number to work. I took it up to my computer to try and no luck. Then I finally realized one of the 1's that there were 3 in a row was actually an I. Plus, my shopping app on my computer did it's magic search and found a discount code for $6.75 and then the shipping was $15, so I ended up $4.39 out of pocket.

I also received a $10 Kohl's Cash this month since it's my birthday month. If I don't see a free shipping code this month I'm just not going to use it, or maybe I'll take it with me when I visit dd at the end of the month and we can go to a Kohl's near here and I can use it.

Usually when I travel over to work, since it's just a few days I pack really light and just take a cute paisley print small duffel bag I have. But, I'll be gone an extra day plus I know I'll also need to bring home whatever dd gets me for my birthday, so I'll have to use my regular carryon suitcase. I thought about using some of my still available Amazon gift card money to buy a new carryon. One that the wheels turn all directions, would be nice. But, I just dug out my suitcase. It fit's the carry on size, has a pull out handle and some wheels, so it will work fine. If I traveled a lot, a new one would be nice, but not for 2-3 times a year. The other thing that has been a pain with my duffel is that it's not super light, once I get it packed, and by the time I've carried it across a huge airport it's starting to hurt my back. Using this rolling suitcase will be much better, I think. I may also switch to my old purse for this trip. My new purse is a little bigger, plus the sides are pretty stiff. My old leather purse, while large sized, is soft and can squish under the airline seat easily. I also upgraded myself to a "premium" seat, so we'll see how that works out. I'll be up front and also get to deplane first, so it will be easier getting my carryon out of the overhead bin, than my usual back in the middle or back of the small plane seating. It will also be nice not to feel rushed, since I'm just heading to a hotel after I get off the plane. I'm hoping the one boss books for me just has a shuttle to take me to the hotel, then I don't have to mess with getting a taxi or uber/lyft. I'm already exhausted just thinking about it all, LOL


  1. Keep the Amazon gift card money - I bet something else will come to use it up soon enough :P Is there a way to ask your boss to book you somewhere and see if they have a shuttle service at the same time?

    1. Boss will probably ask if I have a preference on where to stay so I'll mention something with shuttle from the airport

    2. great! your boss is pretty considerate too!

  2. Daughter's finding cute things is dangerous. Mine found a puppy!

  3. Anne Brew
    I used to love travelling, anywhere in the world. Now I'm happy to stay put and just remember all the trips - I must be getting old!
    Your carryon will be much kinder to your back than your duffel and it won't be a problem if your dd gives you a heavy gift! x

    1. I've never much loved traveling. I'm usually exhausted by the time I get to the place, LOL.

  4. I can no longer carry any luggage. Even a purse hurts my back! I have an old wheeled carry on that looks shabby to me, but I never fly anymore. I refuse to buy a new carryon. Other people say it looks okay, anyway. But, I want a cute one. With torn rotator cuffs, pulling anything is impossible. Can we see the cute copper pitcher?

    1. I'll post a picture of the copper pitcher in my next post.
