Monday, January 16, 2023

Lots of paperwork

One of the attachments the m/c administrator emailed me was a "handbook" which goes over what to expect, how their daily lives are lived type of information. It does seem like they really strive to tailor to the residents personal preferences. Like it says, some residents may prefer to get up in the morning and go have breakfast first, before getting showered/dressed, so they come to the dining area in a robe and slippers. This sounds like something my mom would prefer, since she likes to sleep in somewhat. I know she has a robe, but it's old and wearing out, so we're adding getting a new robe to the Kohl's shopping trip the morning of the move.

Thanks to my handy dandy little "ScanSnap" scanner I have, I was easily able to print out all the docs sent to me as well as scanning things like copy of voided check and insurance card, get it all signed and initialed and rescanned to email back to the administrator. This has saved me another trip in to the city to sign all this. It's always been a super handy little scanner, that's for sure. It was something I had at my desk at the office and when I moved to 100% remote my boss let me take it with me. I've had it for probably 8 years or so now and knock on wood, never an issue with it. 

I just looked out my office window and thought boy, those look like snow clouds. Then I looked at my weather app on the phone and snow is predicted later this afternoon.

I've gotten 3 eggs in the last 4 days, so a little better now. I need to head out there and give them some treats and check the nesting box. Maybe I'll get lucky and get another one today.

Mom wears jeans daily and her's are just the elastic waist, pull on kind, so I think that is easy to manage for her. At this point I'd just to keep for her what she is familiar with the most. 

Time for some lunch and maybe one last nap in on my day off.



  1. The extra light you are giving them and warming treats before bed should help them before bed to lay more eggs. Any food chickens eat late warms them, especially corn. They digest it overnight and it warms the chickens, raising their metabolism, hence, more eggs.
    It sounds like things are rolling along with her enrollment.

    I always wonder if I will be forced to do things in a nursing home. Eating before dressing sounds like me. I always had my children eat in their pajamas so they would not wear breakfast to school. I hope she is never unhappy like my grandmother was.

    1. I did not know that about the treats later in the day, but just it has been around 4:30 in the afternoon when I've started giving them some. I got 2 eggs today!

  2. A robe is a good idea. Pull on jeans sound perfect.
    Your mom is a lucky lady :)

    1. I'm praying the transition goes smooth for her.

  3. Gosh I take a few days break from social media and you have ALL this wonderful news for me to come back to. I'm so glad you're mom is going to get the help she now seems to need and while I imagine it's a stressful time for you all, it will all be for the best! Good luck!

    1. Thank you! I appreciate the support from my long time online blogger friends :)

  4. I hope you find a decent bathrobe selection. With it being post holidays, they're often picked over. As you said this place is expensive, it's good to hear they treat each resident as individuals. You've made good caring decisions.

    1. I hope we can find one, but if not, I can find one online and get it on it's way here. The hardest part will be telling her and I'm sure I'll feel awful for a little while after leaving her there

  5. I have a little scanner at work too, it is wonderful. I am super happy that everything is coming together for you and your mom. Yay!

    1. I'm counting the days until the move. It will be hard to try to tell her what is going on, but it's for the very best.

    2. I completely understand. It is for the best and I think you will handle it with the care and grace that you've handled just about everything else that came your way since she was diagnosed <3
