Monday, February 28, 2022


So, we take off yesterday about 10:45 to go pick up our groceries. Pup is feeling all better. We get home about 2 1/2 hours later and now the kitty isn't feeling well. Zero energy and doing that thing he did awhile back where he'll open one eye partly and the other stays closed. He took a nap with me around 2pm and didn't get back up off the bed until like 8pm and then only to come lay in my lap on the chair. Then he went to bed with me for a good hour or so. Finally he perked up a bit, so I took him upstairs to put him in my office for the night. This morning he is somewhat better, but still not very energetic. He is eating, drinking water and seems to be using his litterbox ok.

When we got to the city we first pulled into the drive through part of the feed store to pick up 3 bags of grass fertilizer dh uses in later spring. Holy cow - the price has gone up 56% compared to the last several years we've been buying it! It used to be $25 a bag. Now $39. I really don't know how in the world us regular folk are supposed to keep up with this inflation. It's infuriating.

Then we went over to my mom's and dh dropped me off. I hadn't told her I was coming and when I got up to her floor and the elevator door opened she was sitting in one of the chairs they have in the common area reading a newsletter or something. I got her med filled up more (it had probably 30 days or more in there - geez). I also set the pin# on her tv remote, so she can't accidentally order up HBO anymore. While I was doing that dh ran over to the car wash a few blocks away and then came back and picked me up. 

Grocery pick up was fine - though I totally forgot to order some swiss cheese slices to go with the french dip sandwiches I plan to have for dinner one night. Boo :( We stopped at Wendys for lunch on the way home. Dh's "treat". Even that seems to be getting expensive - $18 for a double cheeseburger meal and a chicken sandwich (no meal). Guess they gotta cover those $16/hr wages they have to pay.



  1. 16/hr isn't even a living wage where I am! Big corps such as WalMart continue to raise prices when they have made money out the wazoo off all of us. Your workplace ought to give you a raise to deal with inflation too, but again these places don't care.

    1. in my opinion (worth .02 cents) a part time job in high school or college at a fast food place isn't meant to be a "living wage" career.

    2. a LOT of folks who work there are also adults who for whatever reason can only work there! and kids and young adults should not suffer because we would never work those jobs. your work hasn't given you a raise in ages, imagine how it feels to folks who are paid way less. gov't could do more along with the big businesses, but they don't. WalMart and DollarTree did not need to raise prices at all for example, they did cause they could (and they are greedy)

    3. and that's exactly the reason why after working fast food and retail as a young person I got myself better jobs to move forward in life with. Even in high school I found a better job than making the min wage $3.35 an hour at Burger King. I got a part time job at an office, making about $7/hr.

    4. It isn't that black and white for everyone! The job market is tough and for some families working retail is their income, and these companies can afford to pay more. So your issues with inflation have to do with the company being greedy, from the top down.

    5. inflation is a lot more complicated than just greed. It's also a matter of the government just printing money hand over fist, which deflates the value of our current money supply and our money becomes worth less.

    6. The gov't too I agree. I think if the gov't over time ever cared, they would be doing more for all folks! I hope kitty feels better today. Poor fella.

  2. Nope, not the wages at all. It's the artificial price gouging. A skeletal staff doesn't change demand, and the wage increase to $16/hour sure isn't inflating the price of your Whopper, corporate greed is. Corporate profits are at a record high.
    Also, when gas goes up, please put the blame where it belongs--Putin.

    1. Sure, because our government idiots (on both sides) have zero to do with it all, LOL.

  3. I went to Walmart the other day, it was a shock to see how much prices have increased in just a few weeks. I keep a very deep pantry and freezers for meat so I needed very little. Thank God! I am glad I made the decision along time ago to be prepared. When Covid hit I started stocking taking advantage of every good sale.
    Yes, people would look at me strange when my cart was full of loss leaders and other things on sale. I don't think they are laughing now, hopefully they are doing the same thing.

    1. Smart! I try to keep it stocked, but it never quite feels like enough. When we are waiting for our grocery order and they are bringing out others first, we always seem to be the largest order, LOL.

  4. Has your mom purchased alot of HBO? Not quite sure I understand why she can't have it if she wants and she can afford it. even if she doesn't remember watching it. Prices sure have gone up on almost every little thing and I think it is going to get worse. I can't realky begrudge The Dollar Tree raising their prices, I am surprised it didn't hapoen a long time ago

    1. She didn't order it on purpose. She pretty much watches the news, wheel of fortune and Jeopardy and some football games. She can't really follow watching a movie anymore, but her current tv service has plenty of movies to watch. She doesn't need to spend an additional $30 a month for something she wouldn't even know how to get to the channels now. If she actually watched it and was getting something out of it, of course she could have HBO/Showtime. The offer popped up on her screen while she was changing channels or on the guide. She had to clue she was buying something.

    2. and when I explained to her she accidentally signed up for HBO and Showtime, she said "what's that?" I said it's extra movies and shows. She said "oh, I don't need that!"

  5. Inflation surely is kicking in isn't it! And while my pension is ok (could be higher, could be an awful lot lower) I hate to think how much some people will REALLY be struggling!

  6. I accidentally ordered something, myself, and I am supposed to be not senile! It's not hard. What could be wrong with your kitty?

    1. I can't imagine what is wrong with the kitty. It's strange. He did this awhile back for one day. He's getting better as today goes on, but still not his normal energy level. he's eating and drinking fine.
