Monday, February 7, 2022

Again with the waiting on people to do their job

When we ordered the car and were told March delivery, we honestly expected it would most likely take longer than 4 months/120 days. (the local dealer was saying 6 months!) When do we ever order anything that is on time? LOL. We quote business's all the time at work with estimated time to get the products, but it's almost always ends up being longer. But, even with being into March we figured there was a good chance by then that the 3 mountain passes wouldn't be an issue by then. We really just assumed ya, it'll probably end up being more like late March, even into April. But then they bumped the cars up a month on their production schedule, so that was a surprise and here we are, in early Feb, of course, having to deal with winter roads. 

I've been making every attempt to try to stay on top of getting this paperwork completed. I called my bank first thing this morning. Is there a way I can do a wire transfer giving you the information over the phone or do I need to come in person? She said it can be done over the phone, no problem, and gave me the short list of information they will need to process the wire. So, if that works for the dealer for me to transfer the down payment, when I hear back from him, I've got all my ducks lined up for that to be done quickly. I didn't want to have to be talking to him and then say "ok, let me see if my bank can take the info over the phone or if I have to drive there (50 miles) to do it.". Another option was I'd just overnight a check, but a wire would be my preferred way. That way they have the funds right away and no waiting for a check to clear on their end.

And then still sitting twiddling my thumbs with no call from the dealer (well, not twiddling, I have tons of work to keep me busy). So just before noon I email him - say hey, just checking back in with you. I spoke with my bank and can do a wire transfer with them over the phone to send you the down payment today. This is the info I will need to do it....still no call or email.

In the meantime all morning, expecting him to call any time now (because that's how I take care of business) and my boss calling me a couple times about this project and she needed to call me back again, I want to call dd, but know as soon as I try to call and talk with her about all this, one of them will be calling me.  So, I emailed her and sent her a message I emailed. I'm the type that has to sit on situations that bother me for a bit. I don't like being reactionary.

Basically I said we aren't trying to give them heartburn with getting our car, but we were under the impression since almost the beginning that they would pick up our car for us (if I could do electronic signing, which I can) and then when roads good either they would bring it to us or we'd to to their house to pick up. Then all of a sudden you are telling us it can be stored in your back yard at the same time SIL is saying the dealer can store it for us. Totally gave us the impression you guys didn't want to store our car for a few weeks in your garage. I explained what a now 14 or more hour day this would be for us, with the added trip of driving from the dealers to their house, etc.

She replied back that she is sorry, they apparently mis-communicated and totally added to our confusion. She only meant that while they needed to pull their car into their garage to put their intercooler on, they would keep our car stored safely in back, behind their fence, for the hours/day it took to do the work on their car. She didn't want our brand new car parked on their street, just sitting there for someone to potentially run into it. They just meant that the dealer would store it safe for the week (or whenever I got paperwork done) until they could make the trip back down there to pick up our car for us. She said they fully intended to store it in their garage and if the roads are still bad for awhile, sil and his good friend can even get our intercooler installed, too, if dh wants  - which that is what we thought was the plan before, but when they started saying store it in the back yard or at the dealer and he'll do the paperwork when you pick it up...well, you can see how we thought we were being blown off with the help they had offered. 

So, if this dealer ever decides to get a hold of me and get this paperwork done, they can go pick up the car (hopefully next Saturday or Sunday. I certainly don't expect them to take time off work to go get it this week) and most likely we will have them bring it over when the roads are decent. Or go get it ourselves. We can manage an 8 hour trip and stay overnight at their house. 

The work/business day is almost over and no call from the car dealer. I sent an email at 10:20 his time and than called at 12:50 his time, but she said he was out to lunch, so I left my name and number. No call or email back. I don't get it. If I was sitting in his dealership wanting to drive away in my new car, it would be done right then. I mean seriously, he has my credit app - it takes minutes to get a credit decision and then he just has to see what rate/incentives Ford is offering right now and tell me. Then get the paperwork done up. I know that the paperwork can take a couple hours, but geez, nothing's been done yet.


  1. Okay, so things are cleared up with your daughter and car storage? I would have them buy a car cover for even a day in the back yard. Tree droppings are brutal on vehicles.

    Do you know the mileage on your truck right now? I would not even want anyone taking a spin in the parking lot! I think I would blow up his phone until I heard his voice and then attribute your calls to anxiety about car.

    1. yes, all good with dd. that's a good idea about covering it up and yes, tree droppings are awful. I do not know the mileage yet of the Explorer we bought. When dd got into hers and turned it on it was 7.5 miles.

  2. I'm glad it's all resolved with your dd.
    The dealer must not be concerned or was having a bad Monday.

    1. me too. I think it was a little of both with the dealer.

  3. Glad ya'll cleared that up! :) Meanwhile I hope the $$ side gets sorted out asap.

  4. A little communication goes a long way it seems.

    1. and sometimes it's better to have less, LOL. We apparently had too many "ideas' being bantered around for how/where/when to get our car, that we were misunderstanding
