Friday, February 11, 2022

Friday updates

How did it get to be Friday again already?! I can't seem to keep up with the days this year. Every time I turn around another week is done.

The weather has been quite warm the past few days. Yesterday it got to 57. Lots of snow melting going on. Actually starting to see a little bit of grass under the trees (albeit brown) in the back yard. 

DD's dh got their "intercooler" installed on their new car, with the help of a friend and even dd. I guess there was a couple of times he needed all 3 muscles. He said it took about 6 hours, but that also included 2 trips to the auto parts store, LOL. DH is going to let him and his friend also put ours on for us.  Like they all said, now that one's been done and they know how, the 2nd one will go a lot easier/faster. 

So, the plan as it is right now is they will pick up our car at the dealer tomorrow morning and take it back to their house. SIL and friend will put on the intercooler on Sunday. Then we will watch for the roads to be bare and dry over all 3 passes and then dd and sil will bring our car over, at some point. In the meantime, I will figure out some nice gift or giftcard to give them for doing all of this for us.

As I posted on my "mom" blog  yesterday, it looks like I just really need to get my mom's computer away from her. It's just a constant confusion and she doesn't know how to use it, every time (seems to be about once a week) she tries to get on "to play her game" (that she doesn't even know what the game is anymore, when I showed her on Sunday). Every single time she turns it on, somehow she disconnects the wi-fi connection, let alone, even if it worked, I'm fairly certain she would have no idea how to even navigate to solitaire anymore. My plan next visit is to just tell her I need take it with me to fix it and let it go from there. It wouldn't even do any good to get her something like a tablet with a solitaire came on it. She would never remember to charge it. She had an ipad that she never charged and would constantly put the charger away in drawers, because she didn't know what it was for. I took the ipad last year to use myself (but it's almost as old as mine, bummer, LOL), since she hadn't used it in over a year. I never did find the charger for it (2nd one I had bought for her because before I moved her I couldn't find her original one so she could charge it and use it).

We got our propane tank filled up yesterday with our prepaid winter gallons (530). I think we made it a little longer this winter than last. Seems like last year it was January when they filled it. The little reciept the guy left shows the current price at $2.64/gallon and we prepaid at $1.94, so a total savings of $371 by prepaying and locking in the early price. I forgot that this propane guy ended up buying the house next door to where we lived in town....the house that had been a rental with that AWFUL renter guy and first his wife and kids, then his girlfriend and her kids...The landlord finally sold it and now this guy and his wife live there. It seems like they would have been much better neighbors, LOL. 

When we bought that little house on that street there were only 2 houses. The other 6 lots, 4 across the street and vacant lots on each end of our side. After we sold someone finally bought the corner lot on the other side of rental house and built a house. It's kind of a strange looking house. Looks maybe like a mfg or modular. Then this past year or so someone bough the corner lot on the other side of the house we had and so far has built a shop (like 2 feet from the fence, LOL) and is living in a camper trailer. (we saw this when dh was at the hospital) and we also heard that the guy who built the other house ended up buying all 4 vacant lots across the street, but nothing built there yet. We found out yesterday why he bought them. Some developer of "low income housing" was going to buy them and put low income houses on the lots. So, this guy decided to buy them to help protect his property value. So glad we are out of there and built our home!


  1. We might see 50° today. That's summer talk there.
    What does the intercooler do? Is it related to your extreme weather temperatures?
    I'm sure your mom's computer is a major source of confusion with no purpose. She won't miss it.

    1. ok, half of what they said when I asked a month ago what the intercoolers are for, went in one ear and out the other...LOL....something to do with the amount horsepower these engines have, the radiator that comes stock doesn't really get enough air intake to keep things as cool as they should be, so this add on lets more air come in and keep everything in the engine cooler. My next question was well then why don't they put on the right stuff in the first place and the reply was "exactly". Nothing to do with our weather, SIL wanted it too, and they live in mild temps year round.

    2. Well, I'm with you. Why don't they equip the cars properly from the get-go!?!

  2. Heaven forbid someone with a low income having a decent place to live. Sorry, but I've spent the morning diving into long term effects of children who face housing insecurity, so hit a sore spot.

    1. We (and I assume the 3 other homeowners) didn't buy/build a home in that little "subdivision" that was created to have their property values go down. If I wanted to live on a low income housing street, then that's where I would have bought a house or land. From the couple of conversations we had when we first bought that house, with the guy who developed it and still was trying to sell the 6 remaining lots, with the covenants he put in, I got the impression he envisioned it a nice little street with 4 nice little approx 1400 sf spec homes on each side of the street. I've already lived next to low income people/homes when we lived in the drug neighborhood - no thanks. I'm certainly not going to feel bad about not wanting to live next to those types of homes. I don't blame the new guy who built on the corner lot (after we sold) for buying up the other 4 lots so that they get built with 4 homes that are of a similar quality/homeowners.

    2. I agree with you; with the exception of senior low income housing, I would not want to live in a low-income neighborhood. Many do not keep up their property, and why should homeowners have their property values go down? On a sort of related subject, Realtor dot com has now "gone woke" and removed their "Crime" section off their site. Supposedly it has something to do with "fair housing for all", though I don't see how that helps that issue, just makes it harder to search homes for sale in a safe neighborhood!

    3. Anon- I remember seeing that realtor dot com crime section and used it to look around where we used to live. Eye opening. I think it was also the site that gave how many people per square mile within an address, which made me realize we moved from a place that was 7000 people in a square mile to 4200 people in our whole county, LOL.

  3. I am glad things are moving along with the car acquisition! What color is your car?

    Low income areas are almost always places I would not want to live!

    1. The new car is black. First time for a black car, too.

  4. I'm getting a delivery of heating fuel on either Tuesday or Wednesday for about the same price as you. Ouch!
