Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Can people do their job well anymore?

I got that work project from yesterday morning done about noon, but I don't think it's the last I'll hear of it. Sounds like there is going to be some more work/research needing to be done with it. Whether that will end up getting assigned to me or not to do, we'll see. Usually my boss will give something like that to our receptionist to do.

Kitty will just not settle down to sleep with me anymore. Little brat, LOL. He will totally be asleep on my lap and I'm sure if I didn't get up to go to bed, he'd still be content to be there hours later. But, as soon as I get up to go to bed, he follows me in, as always, but will no longer settle down after a bit of pouncing. I keep giving him a try but after 30 minutes I grumpily get up and put him upstairs in my office with the door shut. I'm about to just start putting him there as soon as I go to bed. 

I need to give the pharmacy in town a call when they open this morning and make sure they got the new prescription dh's urologist was sending them. He was changing the dosage, so a new prescription was to be sent for them to fill. The dosage got doubled, so he told dh to just take 2 of the prescription we had just filled and then when that ran out, start the new prescription for the new dosage. He has enough pills left through tomorrow, so we'll need to get in by tomorrow for sure. I'll do a stop at the store there, too. Mostly we need some milk and ice cream and I'd like to pick up some garlic french bread, to have with spaghetti. I think I'll buy 2 loaves and freeze for future use. I only use half a loaf and freeze half anyway, but always seem to be out of french bread when I want to make spaghetti.

I had ordered another set of towels from My Pillow that are supposed to arrive today. Probably weird to be excited about towels, but I am, LOL. Now I'll have 4 of them to use :)  I noticed recently that sometimes I will look at a website that is selling something. After I'm done visiting I will get an email in my inbox about that visit! Pretty annoying that somehow they can get your email. My Pillow did the same thing! "something catch your eye? come back for $10 off" and a gift card code. So, I guess in that case it was worth it (paid for the shipping) but the intrusion into our lives by companies is getting more and more. So, now just visiting a website they have your email? and I use several emails, so how does it end up in one of them all the time?

Ok, so in the meantime I just called the pharmacy. They have no new prescription for dh. Good grief. So, now I have a message into his urologist office about it. Annoying. I hate always having to make the assumption (correctly so) that something didn't get done. I somehow had a feeling that if we went to the pharmacy tomorrow afternoon (and him needing a refill starting Thursday morning) we'd get there and they'd say "oh, we don't have a new prescription on it". So, at least glad I got on this this morning, where I still have 2 days to get it resolved. I hate when people don't do their job. This will end up being 4 phone calls when it should have been none. The call to the pharmacy to check on it, the call to the dr office to figure it out, a call back from the dr office and then another call to the pharmacy to make sure again, they got it.


  1. I hate when people don't do their jobs too! I always felt that if I said I'd do something I would do it - and keep following up if I couldn't do it immediately. So now it's a shock when someone actually DOES follow through! And I hate the feeling of being tracked too. If I look at a website it inevitably pops up on FB shortly thereafter, but then if you get an email offering you a discount I suppose it's swings and roundabouts isn't it!

    1. It's sad when we just have to assume nowadays someone didn't do their job

  2. Oh, I never assume a prescription will be sent in a timely manner. I always check the pharmacy the same day to see if the prescription was actually sent! It is a real pain. Usually, there is a problem getting the attention of the dr office, too. I have to wait for twenty minutes or leave a message for nurse, something, always something!

    I wake myself up getting ready for bed or going to bed. I cannot imagine how awake you are after hauling a playful cat upstairs.

    1. I just didn't want to drive into town and then get there and find out I'd have to go back again. It is always something!

  3. People not doing there job, is my biggest pet peeve. So frustrating!

  4. I don't understand why you don't have your husband do his own medical stuff? I thought with HIPAA you shouldn't even be allowed to talk to anyone on his behalf.

    1. Because I would just have to remind him that it needs to get done and be in the same boat as I am now, LOL. I can do any medical on his behalf and my mothers...all doctors offices have a form you can fill out allowing them to give another person this right, as well as with my mom, I have a durable power of attorney. Anyone can pick up a prescription for another person.

    2. meant to add - not to mention if dh had to deal with this ineptness I'd have to listen to him throwing a fit and getting all upset. Much easier to just do it myself, really.

    3. Up until recently, I was like your DH--MY DH had to handle all my medical calls, (few that there were) because I can't deal with the ineptitude. Regarding HIPAA, Bobbie, as she said, there is a space on your patient information form where you can write who they are allowed to communicate with regarding your care, and if they can leave messages, etc. Also, HIPAA only applies to the medical personnel, NOT the family. We are allowed to talk to anyone and ask whatever we like. It is up to the covered entity to determine if we are indeed authorized to receive that information--and that's something they have, or should have, at their fingertips. As for prescriptions, yes, anyone can pick up a prescription for another person.

    4. Meg - you explained it better than me. I knew HIPAA applied only to medical staff, I just didn't know how to word it. On the dementia caregivers page I follow on Facebook, someone made a comment that another poster could get in trouble for telling about her parents medical issues - a bunch of others came in and commented like what you said - HIPAA laws apply to medical personnel, not family members.

  5. We get the ads because information is always passed on some way or another now, alas! As for DH's medicine, that is so unfortunate! Hopefully it is ready to go when you guys get into town.

    1. I understand the ads - been getting them for years now, but now they have our email address? how does that work? I didn't sign up on the website to get emails.

    2. Literally things are tracked and information given out to third party sites etc - so they can easily send stuff to our emails. Trippy I know.

    3. yes, apparently now the cookies include our email address

  6. "This will end up being 4 phone calls when it should have been none." I said a similar thing regarding a similar situation earlier in the year. To answer your question, I think people CAN do their jobs, they just choose not to. Honestly, regardless the field, it seems as if people put more effort in to avoiding a task than the task actually requires. I especially love it when they try to tell you that *you* are to blame. I'm at the point where I don't even try to be friendly when they pull that.

    1. The nurse that called me back said it was in the visit notes, but apparently the assistant on duty for that day didn't follow through with getting the prescription sent in.

  7. And people call me a control freak when I am being proactive. I have been in similar situations where people do not do their jobs properly so, now, I feel compelled to remind everything to everyone several times. I may be driving them nuts, but noone seems to care about whether they drive me nuts.

    1. I find it so annoying a waste of time dealing with people who just do the minimum for their job or ignore it, hoping (I guess?) it will go away. My dd comes across the ignoring part quite a bit in her job where she's trying to resolve issues and track down orders and such.

  8. I could have written parts of the post. I drive people crazy at work because unless it absolutely has to go to voice mail, I take calls when they come in, and resolve issues as soon as possible. I think some people think I'm trying to set unrealistic expectations, but I look at it as that person calling maybe only had a brief moment to call. I don't want to play phone tag, and I don't want follow up calls. I want resolution. Doing a job well the first time is a time saver so I just don't get the procrastination- unless it's house cleaning.

    1. We have a rule where I work that unless you are on another call or in a meeting, you must answer your phone. It's just plain good customer service and gets things done faster, like you said.

  9. Timely post. Last week I got a bill for my yearly mammogram, which was done at the hospital. Although I gave them our updated insurance card, they STILL billed the wrong insurance. Of course it was denied. Yesterday I got an EOB from our insurance company regarding my physical and lab work. Denied. Of course it was. Our insurance changed. Had the office billed the correct insurance (they, too, were given the new card) it would have gone through and been paid. Wonder how many calls I'll need to get this mess straightened out? So annoying.

    1. OMG - isn't that just the most annoying thing? they ask for the card at almost every visit but then don't update it. So much extra work for everyone on down the line, all the way to the insurance company that got billed in error.
