Saturday, February 26, 2022

Dinner out

Yesterday I entered a Walmart pickup order that we can go pick up at noon on Sunday. It's been 2 weeks, though I did pick up a gallon of milk at our town store when we went to get the new car licensing done. This trip I'm also stocking up on some baking items. Cake and blueberry muffin mixes, sugar and flour and vegetable oil. I also got a jar of yeast. Also adding some more spaghetti and egg noodles to my pantry. I wish I kind of knew how long the food we have in our pantry would last, if necessary. I'm not good at trying to figure out something like that. My guess is we'd have enough for at least a few months, even if the meal is just soup. We also have a box of emergency food we purchased several years ago that is supposed to last like 25 years and it was 30 day supply of food. And we can always eat eggs most days. The egg production is on the rise this past week - I'm now getting 1-2 eggs a day, instead of 1 every other day or so. I didn't need to buy store eggs for the first time in several months, as I now have about 1 1/2 dozen in the fridge. That's a good amount of extra for me right now, as long as I get one or two a day.

My work stuff on my phone was working fine all morning and then suddenly kept signing me out of Outlook and Teams. I kept signing in, but couldn't use the "authenticator" our IT wants us to use. Then my phone rang and it was one of our IT guys saying he got a notification that my Microsoft outlook had tried to sign in like 5 times in the last hour. I said ya....I think that's because I got a new phone and it's not sync'd up right. He knew how to fix it and it wasn't something I could have figured out.  He had to go into my Outlook settings and fiddle around. It's all good now.  

Until I went to log into work bank. It's a 2 step process. I have to enter our user id and password online and then with an app on my phone I get this "passcode token" which I then have to enter that 6 digit number in online to complete the log in. Except now it apparently wanted me to re-register the token app with some 8 digit code from the bank. I had to email our banker lady for help. Hopefully that is all the issues caused by getting a new phone.

My new phone also popped up a message from Apple that the purchase comes with 3 free months of Apple TV. Cool! Now I can watch the show Ted Lasso that several people have said is so good. I think I can also watch it from our Firestick on the tv. So, I'll see if dh wants to watch it with me. We don't have anything to watch together since the last season of Yellowstone finished.

I'm losing track of my free trials, LOL. Good thing I always immediately go put the cancel date on my outlook calendar. I've got 3 going right now...I think.

DH and I decided to go out to dinner last night. Other than when we dined out while in Texas last summer, here at home, we have not gone out to sit down in a restaurant since June 2020, because of Covid. We also hadn't been back to this restaurant since new owners took over. The menu seems to be the same. I'd been craving fish and chips, and we both ordered that. The only thing that was a disappointment was the bread brought out before the meal. It used to be this melt in your mouth soft bread and room temp butter. This bread was pretty bad. Seemed to me to be several day old bread. But, it was good to get out, though of course dh's stomach has to pay a little bit for it, but he said it was worth it. Oh, and not many places you pull out of the parking lot and there's a hound hunting truck set up, complete with a cougar they killed tied down to the top of the dogs crate. Probably good we saw this after eating, LOL. I know that the hunting of them is managed, and keeps the numbers in line, but still kid of sad to see that beautiful creature dead.

The dog puked at 5am, so that was fun to clean up. He always has to do it spread out so you have to walk around looking for the rest. By the time I got my socks on and got out to the main part of the house, he had thrown up in 3 different spots and a drippy trail in between. Most likely he got into eating deer poop outside, again. I was mostly able to fall back asleep and got up at 7:30. When pay day falls on a Monday we get the $ in our bank account on Saturday, so time to make my mortgage payment online and pay one other bill.

Later this morning I'm going to need to mop the floor :(


  1. My sister lured a bunch of us out for fish and chips last night ahead of the lent rush. So good, and I don't really like fish that much. Portions were huge so hubs gets a second round with mine. He'll use the air fryer to keep it nice and crisp

    1. usually I order the salmon there, but fish and chips has been sounding good for some reason, LOL.

  2. You can freeze eggs if you have too many and want to keep some

    1. Usually I just share the extra eggs with the neighbors, since most of the time I have a daily replenish, LOL.

  3. Eggs are a good meat substitute and don't raise cholesterol levels like we heard years ago. I could eat scrambled eggs for dinner forever. But, a quiche, or boiled eggs in salad are perfect as a good meat substitute. I wish I still had chickens! I paid over $5 for 18 eggs!

    1. that's what I'm hearing too now about eggs and cholesterol which is good news. I like scrambled. fried, hard boiled, omelette.

  4. After not eating out for so long, isn't it a wonderful experience all over again, even if maybe not as good as you would have hoped!

    1. It was really nice to get out. I'm hoping the old bread was just a fluke, as the rest was good as usual.
