Monday, February 14, 2022

Typical Monday

It was so hard to wake up this morning. Well, I woke up with a jolt, right out of a vivid dream, and it was 15 minutes past my normal get up time. I then get up and let the dog out and feed him. Then go let kitty out of my office, then I come back downstairs and get my coffee and finish up with the dogs cosequin tablets and a brushing chew. The whole time I was still half asleep and fumbling around. I'm still feeling a bit groggy even 45 minutes later, even with coffee. Weird.

I sent off an email to my side job's office guy who sort of handles the IT, as far as if he can't fix it, he contacts their IT company. He was on vacation last week, so that it why I ended up directly with the IT guy. Anyway, I let him know I spoke with the IT guy Friday afternoon and he said my computer at the office is turned off, is the issue. Hopefully someone is there this morning and can figure it out.

Mid February already - oh and Valentine's Day. Never cared a whit about the day, LOL. Even as a kid the exchanging of the little Valentines at school was dumb, I thought, LOL. I've never expected dh to to anything. We just had our anniversary and my birthday a few weeks ago. I don't need more.  

SIL and his buddy got the intercooler installed on our car yesterday. Sounds like it took about 3 hours, instead of the 6 it took to do their car. DD sent dh pictures during the process. Basically he had to take the front end off the car to install it and then put it back together. He's a very smart guy when it comes to cars and what's on them. Dh knows alot, too, but SIL is kind of like an encyclopedia of knowledge as he just retains it all. Now we wait to see when we can get the car, LOL. Next 3 days is rain/snow and most likely just snow on the pass nearest us, so there go the improved road conditions. Oh well, no hurry. We'll get it when we get it.

DH and I made a quick trip to pick up another grocery order at Walmart yesterday. Just before we were leaving I went to find the cat (who I had just seen a few minutes earlier) and put him in my office while we were gone. Couldn't find him, so figured he must be hiding somewhere. As we are pulling out of the garage and the door is starting to go down we see the cat in the garage. He must have followed dh out there when dh went to put the cooler in the car. Dh is just oblivious to it happening, of course. So, I get out and put him back inside the house and didn't bother taking him all the way upstairs to my office. He was fine and the house was still in one piece when we got back.

When we got to the city he decided to do another trip through the car wash, mostly to get the underside sprayed off again. Then we got the groceries. No issues with picking up this time. They seem to have gotten staffed back up and have several people to bring out the orders to the cars. Of course dh needed to pee by this time and we decided to stop in the other grocery store for a couple additional items and for him to use the restroom. Everywhere was crowded there at noon yesterday. We thought maybe it would be quieter, being Sunday and the "big game" day, but I guess if we would have waited until late afternoon/evening it probably would have been dead. Last stop was Wendy's drive through. I swear to God dh just does not listen or even remember. I always order a grilled chicken sandwich and if I order a drink, it's always a small strawberry lemonade. So, of course as we pull up he asks what I want. I say grilled chicken sandwich and small strawberry lemonade. She asks to take our order and he says "chicken sandwich and medium strawberry lemonade". OMG. So then she says what kind of chicken? and before I could remind him it's "grilled" the lady starts to say all the different chicken sandwiches they have, LOL. And then she says "and what size drink did you say?" This time he says small. 

Since I've been wanting Rice Krispies and there's none to be had I decided to try the Walmart brand. A small box was only $1.48 and if they weren't good I could always make treats or something. Anway, after the big lunch, that's what I had for dinner last night. They were fine. The taste seemed same, the "texture" was what was different to me. I'm weird about textures in food, which is why I don't like eating most fruits, though I like the taste of the fruits. The store brand krispies were much flatter, so felt different chewing them, haha.

As I mentioned in my "Remembering for Mom" blog yesterday, she called and suddenly thought her cell phone just went missing (it's been 5 weeks), when she got up from her chair to use the bathroom. I'm still not convinced it wasn't her remote control she set down or covered with a magazine and got her devices confused. I do not want to have to get her another cell phone! I'm sure today, she will have forgotten all about it again. Her meds have dispensed fine now the past 3 doses. And even though I plan to take her computer next visit, to try and "fix" it, I'm worried she's going to keep calling me up and saying "my computer is missing, someone took it". 

I've read all the "Jack Reacher" books, so I was interested in seeing if the Amazon Prime new series was any good. Because, if you've read any of the books, Tom Cruise is NOT Jack Reacher, LOL. It's an ok series, at least the actor actually resembles the main character. It's not as good a show, as say, Bosch is/was, but it's something to watch. I  haven't felt the need to binge watch it, so just been watching an episode in the evenings.  

No reply yet from side job office, though it's 8:30 am there. I just tried to log in twice and twice it gets into my desktop and then immediately disconnects. I do not think the issue is the machine is not plugged in. So, I'm sure it will be all day trying, again, to get that resolved.


  1. I guess kitty now knows where you go when you disappear. Can you put a large sign where the computer was located telling her where the computer went? Maybe with her name on it?

    1. I just now finally figured out (I think) how to remove those taskbar items in right corner, I think she is clicking on and opening her network settings. I think I can remove all those taskbar icons from her view. If so I will try that first and if she's still having trouble using her computer, then I'll take it to "fix".

  2. The new Jack Reacher series is excellent!! Unfortunately we binged watched the whole series, that's how good it was.

    1. I'm finding it good, but still not 100% feeling like he's Reacher. Have you read any of the books? Maybe I should go back and read the first one this is based on. It's been a lot of years since I read that one.

  3. I'm with you on not caring about Valentine's Day either. Oddly enough, in the UK at least, you only send a card to your "special person" AND it's anonymous (although you'd probably guess who it's from right). That was why I was so shocked when my former-SIL sent me a Valentine's card when I lived in the States. I had no idea you sent them to others/everybody!

    1. We've never done them for others, other than my kids and my mom would give the kids cards when they were little.
